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- Nico has crazy dreams. He gets nightmares and happy dreams, so he either wakes up screaming or smiling and Will is always there to make sure he's okay.

- Will is like a heater so he sleeps with little blankets while Nico is curled up at his side bundled up in blankets.

- Will makes Nico watch all the Star Wars movies and Nico says he hates them but he secretly loves them. 

- Will picks Nico flowers and brings them home randomly.

- Will leaves Nico notes with little compliments and encouragements.

- Bianca taught Nico how to braid hair, so he'll leave little braids in Will's hair.

- When Nico gets nervous he fidgets with Will's hand. He'll trace his palm and move his fingers until he feels better.

- Will rarely gets sick. Nico gets sick more often and lets Will take care of him.

- Will likes Nico's scars and he'll trace them with his hand before they go to bed.

- Nico likes Will's freckles in the summer and he'll kiss them at random moments. 

- Nico didn't like to cuss at first, but Will cusses, and Nico picked it up. 

- Nico knows exactly what food he wants. He'll wake up in the middle of the night wanting cereal and Will gets mad because Nico isn't sleeping. 

- Nico likes to read. It distracts him from real life. 

- Every time Nico tries to shadow travel away from Will, Will will use his light powers to get rid of shadows. This starts a lot of chasing games around camp between the two boys. 

- Will does the grocery shopping because Nico buys all the junk food. 

- When Will wakes up before Nico he'll leave clothes on the bed for Nico because Will is trying to add color to Nico's wardrobe. 

- Will and Nico aren't good with communication, but they're working on it. 

- They use the "he's my doctor" card to get away with stuff. 

- Everybody in camp ships them.

- Nico sneezes like a kitten and Will sneezes like an elephant.

- Will tries to learn Italian and Nico blushes a lot in the process.

- When Will and Nico get an apartment Hazel is the one to come over and decorate it.

- Nico kills the spiders but Will yells at him not to kill them and to release them outside. Nico argues that they'll come back, but he puts them outside because he doesn't want to see Will sad. 

- Nico falls asleep first. 

- Nico has a soothing voice but he doesn't like to sing so he hums. 

- Will likes to play music while doing things. When he's making breakfast, getting dressed, taking walks. He really likes music. 

- When they get their apartment Will brings home a goldfish and Nico ends up taking care of it. 

- Nico likes chocolate milk or orange juice for breakfast, but he'll have coffee only if it has a bunch of sugar in it. 

- Will drinks coffee a lot. 

- During quartine, Nico has to apologize several times to his Zoom teacher because Will keeps appearing in the background shirtless. 

- They like to take walks on the beach.

- Will teaches Nico how to surf but Nico ends up doing paddleboard yoga. Will is surprised because he didn't know Nico was that flexible. 

- Will and Nico, as a way to vent anger, will yell compliments at each other. 

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