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I don't how or when it started, but I do know why. It happened because my neighbor forgets to lock his door and being the nice neighbor I am, I reminded him.

"Uh, you left your door unlocked again today," I tell him as he returns home from wherever he's been. I've come to recognize the sound of his car pulling up into his driveway and the loud music that comes with it.

"Thanks," he mumbles without looking at me. He kicks his door open and slams it behind him leaving me in his driveway.

The routine continued for about a month. I'd check his door, find it unlocked, remind him when he got home, and find it unlocked the next morning. I never went into his house, that would be creepy, but I did test my limits and stare through the door frame into the house. It was bland and soulless looking.

"Hi, it's me again. I don't mean to be a bother but you keep leaving your door unlocked and I'm afraid you might get robbed or something." The black-haired boy stands near his door, his back to me. This time he's got a bag of groceries in his hand.

"If you're so concerned about my house then why don't you watch over it every day while I'm gone?" His voice his soft, teasing. He slams the door.

I don't know if he was joking, but I took his words to heart. Despite not knowing his name or anything about him, I let myself into his house the next morning as if I did. He'd already left for work (that's what I assumed he was doing) and the house was empty.

I wasn't sure what to do. Clean? Make the place a little lively? I'd have almost nine hours until my neighbor came home. I did the logical thing and explored the house. It was a small, one-story, grey walls, minimal furniture, no decoration kind of house. I don't go into any of the bedrooms.

The backyard wasn't any better with half the grass dead and the other half on its way. Not a flower in sight. I spend the next three hours pulling weeds, watering the grass, and generally making the backyard look nicer or as nice as it can be. The next half hour is spent sitting on the front steps enjoying the sun. I lean back, closing my eyes. It's peacefully quiet except for the car passing.


I sit up quickly, watching the black car pull into the driveway.

"The hell are you doing?" The black-haired boy slams his car door and walks toward me, confusion and anger on his face.

"I-uh," I stutter. Dam, does he look angry. "Y-you said to watch over your house." He glances at my dirt-covered hands.

"It was a joke, moron! You went into my house?" I stand.

"Yes, but I didn't snoop! Just cleaned up the backyard!" The black-haired boy puts his hands in his hair, tugging at it loosely.

"What did you do to the backyard?" he asks slowly and patiently. I can see his chest rising as he takes deep breathes.

"Took the weeds out and watered."

"Okay, please don't go to my house again." He walks past me to his front door. I turn to face his back.

"Maybe you should lock the door then." He freezes and I think I'm screwed, but then he mumbles, "It's unlocked for a reason. Now leave me alone."

I don't try to remind him about his unlocked door again. I realize that he wants the door unlocked, so I don't approach him again until two months later when I look out my window to find him sitting on his porch in the rain. I quickly grab an umbrella and head outside careful not to slip in the mud.

He doesn't notice my approach. He doesn't acknowledge when I sit next to him and hold the umbrella over both of us. He doesn't say anything.

"Are you okay?" I ask. His clothes and hair are soaked. He's shivering and holding himself close.

Percy Jackson/Solangelo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now