Are You Okay?

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Every step closer to the apartment filled Nico's stomach with dread. His fist ached, his eye had started swelling, and the cut on his lip had started stinging. Ignoring the pain, Nico trudged closer to his and Will's apartment. Nico had constructed a flimsy plan on how to evade Will and his questions, but the plan included an explosion, which wouldn't make Will happy. Nico's new plan was to run and hope he survived. 

He made it to the apartment with little problem except for stares and whispers from strangers. He opened the door with a wince and disregarded the blood that dripped off his knuckles onto the floor. 

The smell of cooking chicken and rice filled the air. Nico closed the door gently behind him and, avoiding all the creaking floorboards, attempted to make it to the bedroom. 

"Nico?" Nico tensed and kept his back to Will. He pressed his bloody knuckles to his chest hoping Will hadn't seen. 

"Why didn't you say you were home? Dinner almost ready." Nico gave a stiff nod focused on calming his shaking body. 

"What's wrong?" He heard Will take a few steps and then his hand was on Nico's arm and pulling him around. Nico kept his head down assuming his hair would hide his battered face, but nothing could hide his bleeding and shaking hands. 

"Oh my god, your bleeding! Nico, why didn't you say anything?" Nico couldn't see Will's face but he was positive it was filled with worry and concern. 

"I'm fine." Nico pulled away from Will and restarted his walk to the bedroom. Will stood momentarily confused, then sped to catch Nico. He grabbed Nico's shoulder to hold the boy in place. 

"Are you okay?" Nico shrugged out of Will's grip and shut the door to the bedroom before Will could stop him.

Will came up to the door and tried to open it but it was locked. He knocked but there was no answer.  Will returned to the kitchen where he plated the dinner and set it on the table. 

"Dinners ready, Nico," Will said through the door. Nico didn't show up from dinner or after to help clean up. Will ate in silence and he did the dishes in silence. 

Will tried knocking on the door again and was met with quietness. 

"I didn't mean to upset you." Guilt and concern ate away at Will's stomach. Why wasn't Nico answering? Will sat and leaned his back against the door. 

"Can you come out?" Will but his lip harshly. He wasn't sure how long he sat outside the bedroom or when he dozed off, but the sound of footsteps woke him up. 

"Nico?" Will whispered against the door. The footsteps stopped and Will knew he was listening.

"I'm sorry I upset you. I didn't mean to. I'll give you space I just wanted to make sure you were o-" Will stopped talking and listened closer. Sobs drifted through the door. Will started pounding on the door begging Nico to let him in. Nico never opened the door, but he did sit against it mirroring Will's position. 

Will stayed by the door all night making sure Nico was okay and Nico sat on the other side silently crying himself to sleep. 

I'm so sorry for not updating! Life's been . . . hectic. Anyway! Thanks for reading and I apologize for the sadness of the recent chapters. Happiness is on the way, I promise!

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