Solangelo- Breakfast

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Nico was a heavy sleeper. Once his head hit the pillow he was out. But he also slept in late. Normally till 9 or 10. So Will was the only choice for making breakfast. 

Will hummed while stirring the eggs. He wore his yellow shirt and blue, fluffy PJ pants. He tried to be as quiet as he could so he didn't wake Nico up. Will put the eggs, cheese, and bacon in a tortilla and wrapped it up. He stuck them in the oven on low so they wouldn't get cold.

The next task was to wake up his sleeping boyfriend. Will opened the door to their room quietly. Nico was laying like a starfish in the middle of the bed with all the pillows and blankets on top of him. His face was smashed into the mattress and he had a pillow on his head. Will tried to discreetly climb on top of his boyfriend. Luckily, Nico slept like a rock. Will eased himself onto his boyfriend's back and Nico shifted when he felt the weight. 

Will played with Nico's hair. Making small braids and then undoing them. Nico slowly woke up and groaned at the weight on top of him.

"Morning, sunshine." Will spoke quietly. He loved moments like these. It may sound mean, but he loved seeing Nico when he was vulnerable. When his hair was messy or when he was sleepy. 

Nico rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Will rolled over so that he was no longer crushing Nico.

"Time?" Nico asked groggily. Will looked at the alarm clock. "9:32. You need to get up. I made breakfast." Will whined. Nico rolled over and cuddled into Will's side. Will wrapped his arms around Nico, it was a natural response. 

"Nico come on!" Will said. Will got out of bed and lightly shook Nico. Nico raised his arms, singling he wanted to be carried. 

Will rolled his eyes, "Your such high matinence when you're tired." He grabbed Nico and held him like a baby.  Nico buried his face in Will's neck. 

Will set Nico down on a stool in the kitchen and gave him his breakfast burrito. Nico ate it lazily, taking small bites.

"Thank you." Nico leaned over and kissed Will's cheek. Will smiled, "Your welcome, darling"

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