Big Brother

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"Where is she?" Percy burst into the Jackson/Bofis apartment. Sally stood in the kitchen, making cookies. Percy would have to grab one before he left. Focus, he chided himself. 

"She's in her room. Be careful, she's been throwing things." Percy sprinted to his 14-year-old sister. He had come as soon as he got the phone call. He ran three stop signs, almost hit a bird, and drove over the speed limit to get here in time. 

Estelle was sitting on her bed, crying. Her face was buried in pillows, but you could still hear the sobs.

"Hey," Percy said. He sat and set a hand on her back.

"Percy?" She lifted her face and wiped away her tears but they were quickly replaced. 

"I'm here. I heard what happened." Estelle's face was blank but her eyes were sad. She slowly leaned into Percy and he wrapped her in a hug. 

"You're okay. He's a jerk for dumping you. You're beyond beautiful, you're kind and compassionate. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If he can't see it then he's blinder than blind." Percy wiped away some of her tears as they stopped. 

"He did it the night of the dance! Who does that?" A fresh round of tears came.

"Stop," Percy told her, "Don't cry over him. He's not worth a penny." But the tears kept coming. Percy held his sister. Sally peeked inside Estelle's room and watched her 31-year-old son hug her daughter. She left Percy to care for Estelle, knowing he would do everything in his power to make her happy. 

"So what's this guy's name?" Percy asked Estelle. She pulled away from Percy while fiddling with her shirt. 


"Uh-huh, and his address?" The plan started forming in Percy's mind.

"No. You're not beating up Mark."

"Who said anything about violence. I detest violence, it's against my nature." Percy was lying. He was a demigod, violence was part of the job description.

"Fine here. 5442 Walnut Grove Dr. Just don't do anything." Percy kissed his sister's forehead.

"Thank you. I'll be right back for cookies and a movie." He ran out the door ignoring his mom's questions. He was on a mission. A mission to kill his sister's pathetic ex-boyfriend. Maybe not kill, but lightly beat up. 

He ran more stop signs and quickly made it to Mark's house. There were no cars in the driveway. If no one was home he would have to leave a rude note on the mailbox. He knocked on the door. A boy with brown hair and brown eyes opened the door. He seemed to be still dressed in P.J's. 

"Can I help you?" He asked.

"Yes. Do you know Estelle Blofis? Yeah, I'm her unhappy brother." Reconiconiztion and realization flashed in his eyes. He backed away a little. Percy sometimes forgot that he was almost 20 years older and could seem intimidating.

"Hey, listen. She was cheating on me with some skinny pale kid!" Percy was close to tackling this guy and calling him a liar. Then he started putting the dots together. Pale, skinny, looks like death, has a sunshiny boyfriend.

"Oh my gods," Percy whispered. Nico. Mark had seen Estelle hanging out with Nico at the park. Nico would come by frequently to play games or hang out with Estelle when everyone was busy working. 

"So you broke up with Estelle because you thought she was cheating on you?" He clarified. 


"Dude, that guy she was with is as straight as a circle." It took Mark a second, but when he got it his face was priceless.

"He's gay. I broke up with my girlfriend because I thought she was dating him. Oh, I messed up." He ran a hand through his hair. 

"Is she home right now?" To lie or not to lie? That is the question.

"She's home, but don't think of getting back together." Percy poked Mark's chest. He could see regret in Mark's eyes, but that didn't excuse the heartbreak his sister was experiencing. 

"Can you give me a ride? Please?" Mark begged.

"Sure, but go put on some clothes." Marks rushed into the house. He emerged moments later haphazardly dressed and flattening his hair. Percy let Mark sit shotgun. The ride back was safer and more law-abiding. Mark followed Percy to the door when they arrived at the house. 

"She's in her room. You treat her right and we'll be buddies. Break her heart and I'll break your face." Mark hastily scrambled inside and away from Percy. He waved at Sally on his way. Percy grabbed a cookie and sat at the counter.

"Threats?" Sally asked. Percy nodded and munched on his cookie. 

"He thought she was cheating on him with Nico." Percy grabbed another cookie.

"Isn't Nico dating Will?" Sally laid more cookies on the plate.

"Yep. Mark wanted to apologize and get back together with Estelle." Percy went for another cookie but Sally swatted his hand away.

"After dinner. You won't stop them if they do right?" Percy nodded considering the idea. Estelle was his little sister. He would support her in her decision. A few stolen cookies later, Estelle came downstairs holding Mark's hand.

"Hey you two, want a cookie?" Sally offered. She immediately picked up on the change in their relationship. Mark and Estelle grabbed a cookie.

"Um, we're dating again." Estelle held up their interlocked hands. She looked hesitantly at Percy.

"That's okay." He continued to eat his cookie. Estelle walked forward and hugged Percy. 

"I love you," she said. Percy hugged her back.

"I love you, too." 

Unedited. Also. . . 300 reads? Thank you! 

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