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December 23, the day before Christmas eve. Chiron had let some snow come into camp but kept the worst of the weather out. A thin layer of snow-covered everything and the lake was iced over.

Demigods were frantically shopping, ice skating, or if you had a death wish, you were having a snowball fight against the seven. 

Percy and Jason could make snowballs like no other. They hit a record time of 0.03 seconds for making a perfectly round snowball. Annabeth was strategy, and Piper was defense. Leo built the fortress and Frank and Hazel attacked. They were an unstoppable team. 

So, they were lounging around because no one wanted to fight them. 

"There's gotta be something else we can do." Annabeth insisted. She was tired of being lazy. 

"But I want to have a snowball fight," Percy whined. Leo and Jason nodded, agreeing with Percy. 

"We could split us into two teams?" Piper suggested. Everyone came to the agreement that that snowball fight would last forever. The group sat thinking until the door to the Poseidon cabin opened. Will entered bundled in yellow sweaters and scarves. Nico trailed behind him in a thick, black coat and his nose was red. 

"Guy's you have to hear what Nico just thought of." Will gushed. He motioned for his boyfriend to step forward. All eyes were on him.

"Um, ho-how is Santa supposed to deliver presents if he can't get past the camp border?" Nico looked down at his hands, embarrassed. 

Leo's eyes widened, "Oh my god, you actually be-" Piper smacked him in the back of the head, telling him to shut up.  

"Wait, no, no, he's right," Percy said. He looked at Annabeth and winked. You could tell Nico was regretting telling them and was extremely embarrassed. 

"Come on Nico, let's go talk to Chiron about this." Percy led Nico out of the cabin. Annabeth gazed fondly at her boyfriend, he was a good seaweed brain.

"Why would you let him embarrass himself?" Annabeth asked Will.

"What? He's genuinely curious and I want to know too," Will said. Leo smiled wide, "Wait. So both of you still... gods this is classic." Leo broke down laughing. Frank looked at Leo, disappointed. Hazel looked amused by the whole subject and Piper was scowling at Leo. 

Annabeth sighed, "Why don't you go with Percy and Nico." Will looked confused but went to the big house to join the pair. 

Annabeth turned on the rest of the seven once she was sure Will was gone, "Not a word to them about Santa okay?" Leo was still cackling on the floor, but the rest nodded. Somewhat satisfied, Annabeth went to join Percy, Nico, and Will. She could still hear Leo cackling with laughter from outside the cabin.

Authors Note: Pinterest saved the day and gave me some ideas! I'm awful at ending oneshots. I'm not used to writing short stories, I mostly stick with chapters. I saw this and thought it was funny. Thanks for reading. 

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