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Will and Nico aren't the perfect couple. That's okay. They still love each other and they both know it. But they do fight sometimes. Whether it's over something stupid like who showers first or it's a big fight, they always apologize after.

"Go to hades!" Nico yelled at Will. Will stood shocked for a second and then his face turned red.

"I-I'm not ready to meet your father!" Will stammered. He was painfully aware of the ring in his pocket. It's what had started the fight.

"Look Will, it's sweet that you want us to move away from Camp HalfBlood and start our own life. But this is my home. The only home I know." Will stepped forward and grabbed Nico's hands.

"Okay. I'll respect that, but can I ask you something?" Nico nodded. He looked beautiful even with his glossy eyes. Will got down on one knee. Nico stumbled back and brought a hand to his mouth to muffle the gasp.

"Nico Di Angelo, I love you. I know you're not ready to move, so at least let me live my life with you here. Will you marry me?" Nico ran forward and jumped on top of Will. The boy remained upward and hugged his boyfriend. He ran his hands through Nico's hair.

"Yes," Nico said. It was the best apology to a fight he had ever gotten. 

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