I Wish - Part 2

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Thank you @TanTwins_2608 for requesting part two. It gave me the motivation to write! 

Nico did not want to talk about the scene with his father but Will did.

"What happened down there? Yesterday, when you messaged me, you seemed happy," Will said. Nico had been . . . off since he and his father fought. He was restless and jumpy. Will would often ask if something was wrong but Nico would wave him away. 

"Just a fight between me and my father. Nothing much," Nico said. Will frowned as he watched his boyfriend walk to the training grounds. Something was bugging him and Will was going to find out. 

At dinner, Nico barely ate anything even after Will begged him to consume a little food. A night, when Nico and Will separated, Nico couldn't sleep. His father's words echoed in his mind over and over. He was starting to believe the words more. Bianca should have lived. Bianca should be the one enjoying life. With those dark, ugly thoughts in his head, Nico fell asleep. 

In the morning Will was nowhere to be found. Nico felt relieved, he wouldn't be interrogated, but another part of him felt guilty. Had he pushed Will away? 

"Have you seen Will?" Nico asked Piper. 

"No, is he missing?" 

"Currently, yes, but I'm sure he'll turn up," Nico lied. He was starting to worry. It was out of character for Will to up and vanish. Normally there was a note or he told someone. That someone normally being Nico. 

Nico looked everywhere for his boyfriend and by the time the sunset, he was panicking. 

"Calm down, we'll look for him," Percy assured. 

"It's all my fault. I'm so stupid! I pushed him away and this time he actually left! I didn't mean it!" Annabeth rested a comforting hand on Nico's shoulder. 

"We will find him. I promise it." Percy sent a small group of demigods to look for Will. Dangerous thoughts started running through Nico's head. It's me. I'm the problem. I'm the problem. I'm the problem. Nico chanted it over and over. What had he done? 

Overhead, storm clouds started to appear. It would rain soon. It would be dark. It would be harder to search. 

"We found him!" Nico's head shot up. Will was standing a few feet away. He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. Nico ran over to him. He ran his hands across Will's face checking for injuries. Once Nico was sure Will wasn't hurt, he slapped him on the check. 

"What? What was that for?" Will said while holding his red cheek.

"That was for disappearing." The rain had started to fall as a drizzle then became heavier. Nico grabbed the front of Will's shirt and pulled him forward, connecting their lips. Will blinked, dazed when Nico pulled away.

"That was for coming back," Nico whispered. His spirits were raised slightly. Maybe everything would be okay. Will hugged Nico close and Nico was grateful for the warmth. 

"Okay lovebirds, we're going inside!" Percy shouted. The crowd of demigods dispersed leaving Will and Nico alone. 

"I thought you left," Nico chuckled. It seemed like a foolish thought that Will would ever leave. 

"Never and you know whatever your father said isn't true, right?" Nico hugged Will tighter. He wanted to believe that his life was worth something. That Bianca would be proud. But it was so hard and Nico was tired. He didn't want to pretend. 

"He said I should have died instead of Bianca." Will was silent. The rain had soaked the couple completely. Nico's hair stuck to his forehead. 

"You are worth every penny," Will whispered. Nico pulled away a little to look at Will.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I can't be strong enough." Nico's tears mixed with the rain. Will cupped the sides of Nico's face and pressed their foreheads together. 

"You are strong enough. It's okay to not be okay. As long as you don't give up. Let me be the strong one for a sec, okay?" Nico nodded in Will's hands. 

"I love you." Will pulled Nico into a hug again.

"I love you more. Let's get out of the rain." Will held Nico's hand as they went to the Hades cabin. This time Nico knew everything was going to be okay. He knew that he would be okay. 

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