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-Third Pov-

"Hello, beautiful sunshine world!" Will said. He waved at the camera excitedly. Behind him were a playground and park. Kids were on the swings and parents were talking on the benches.

"We are live on a Friday evening. I've been getting some strange requests to see the local park, so here we are." The camera turned to show the orange park and the big field of grass. It locked on a picture of kids playing frisbee.

"Not quite sure what else you want to see," Will confessed. The chat started blowing up.

Take a walk!

Where is this park? It looks like fun!

Do you have any siblings?

You're handsome! ;)

"I'll go with the first comment and take a walk." Will pointed the camera in front of him. He was walking on a dirt trail that leads through the trees.

"This is the pond." The camera pointed to a dirty, muddy pond.

"Yeah, don't go swimming in that." Will started walking but the camera tumbled out of his hand. The image pointed to the sky and you could see the tops of Will's hair from the ground.

"I've been looking everywhere for you!"A strange voice said.

"Are you okay?" Will asked the boy. He had tangled black hair and dark brown eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Where were you? You scared me?" The stranger said. Will was silent as he picked up the camera.

Is that your boyfriend?

He sounds cute!

Let us see him!!

Will turned red when reading the comments.

"N-no. I don't even know him."

He's blushing

You're a bad liar.

Will didn't even try to correct them. When the internet had its heart on something it would not be persuaded.

Here's a little secret. Will had no clue who the stranger was. The guy bumped into him and then started talking to a little girl about running off. Will asked if he was okay and the guy said yes so Will left.

Long story short, crazy shippers found out the guys name. Nico Di Angelo was now officially shipped with Will Solace. 

-Nico Di Angelo Pov-

I hate my life. And stupid sunshine people. They can be annoying too. 

Will Solace was officially shipped with me. It bothered me. Not in a bad way, more like I was being teased. Haha, you can't really date the handsome blonde, but you can pretend to. 

That's what I was thinking when I walked to the coffee shop. I was meeting Will. He somehow got my number (thank you, crazy shippers) and contacted me about meeting up. The first thing I noticed was the mop of blonde hair sitting in the back booth. I slid in across from Will.

"Hey," I said. He looked up and smiled, "You actually came."

"Yeah." I was offended that he thought I wouldn't come. 

"I'm a man of my word, Solace," I said. To be honest I had nothing better to do. The waiter came and took our order.

"So what do you do for fun?" I asked Will.

"Youtube mostly. I do write songs and play guitar." 

"What kind of songs?"

"Love," He smiled at me. I scrunched my nose. Only I would fall for a guy who writes cheesy love songs. We talked until our food came. The conversations were mostly based on our interest and we were exact opposites. 

We ate our food slowly. I think we both wanted to continue talking, but neither of us would admit it. The lady brought us our check after we ate.

"I'm paying," Will said when I went to grab the bill.


"I invited you, I'm paying." I didn't argue with Will. Free food, am I right? We walked outside and to Will's car.

"You need a ride home?" He asked me.

"No. I've got to run to the store anyway," I told him. 

"I had a great first date." I almost agreed then realized what he said.

"Date? Since when was this a date?" I asked him. He chuckled and poked my nose, "Since you decided to be cute."

"I'm cute now?" 

"I'm a man of my word, Di Angelo." And with that, he drove away leaving me lovestruck on the sidewalk. 

Note- It's a little longer and a lot cheesier, but at least I updated right? So I found ideas and will (hopefully) be updating more frequently. I'm trying to write two things at once, so my life's a little hectic right now. This is also unedited. Thanks for reading!

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