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Percy POV

It was Leo's fault. It wasn't my fault or Jasons, it was Leo's.

It started with the three of us walking around Manhattan. Chiron had given us permission to go to the store to grab candy for tonight's campfire. That was a bad idea. I'm not saying I'm responsible, because I'm not. Danger and chaos just happened to be my best friends.

So we were walking and laughing. Then Leo spotted Central Park Zoo.

"Guys! Come on!" Leo practically begged at our feet.

"I don't know, man. We could get in serious trouble," Jason reasoned. But we finally gave in. Not gonna lie, I really wanted to see the seals and otters. Jason gave in because Leo promised kettle corn.

So after grabbing our kettle corn, we walked to the seal exhibit. On our way, we passed the penguins.

"Look how cool they are," Leo gushed. He pushed his face against the glass. In his excitement, his hands caught fire. The same hands that were pushed against the glass.

It cracked. The glass shattered and a rush of water flowed from the penguin exhibit. Along with the water were penguins. About 30 penguins waddled out of the building.

Kids and adults were wet but unharmed. Jason's popcorn was wet and mushy. Zoe keepers came rushing in and then rushed out noticing the missing penguins.

Leo stood their shocked, "I, um. Should we help?" Jason nodded, "Probably." We all rushed out to help catch the penguins, but they were gone.

"Where did they go?" I asked one of the zookeepers.

"They are in Central Park. They slipped past security." She panted. The three of us raced out. How did 30 penguins slip past trained security guards?

The park was chaotic. Penguins were everywhere. Kids were screaming, dogs were barking, adults were yelling at the zookeepers.

"Call 911," Jason said. I didn't have a phone (stupid monsters) so I had to ask an elderly lady.

"Of course." She handed me the out of date phone. I dialed 911.

"911. What's your emergency?" A lady's voice said through the phone. I glanced at the penguins running around, " I don't know that it's an emergency exactly, but there are, like, 30 penguins running around Central Park. I just thought you should know."

"Oh my. We'll have someone over there soon. I'm going to hang up now." I handed the phone back to the elderly lady and thanked her.

The cops showed up five minutes later, asking who had caused this. That was our cue to leave. We left the scene. The only person who saw us was a four-year-old boy who said we killed one of the penguins. Yeah, after that we ran away.

"Please don't let Chiron hear about this," Jason pleaded. I silently agreed with him.

"I'm sorry, guys. Didn't know that would happen," Leo said guiltily. I patted his back, "No problem, man. It happens. How 'bout we grab the candy and go?" They both agreed with that. We grabbed the candy and Iris messaged Argus to come pick us up.

I prayed that Chiron hadn't heard what happened. If he did then we were so dead and he would send the girls to get the candy. On second thought, that was probably a better idea in the first place. 

Authors Note: It's been awhile. I'm honestly so bad at writing one-shots. I never know how to end them or they turn out too short or too long. I'm trying my best. Anyhow, I'll update this whenever I find time or inspiration. I will take requests!!!! The reason updating is slow is because I can't find anything to write about. Thanks for reading!

Percy Jackson/Solangelo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now