Help Me

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"I can do it myself!"

"Just let me help you, Nico!"

"No. I can do it!" 

"With two broken arms?" Nico glared at the two casts on his arms that prevented him from washing his hair properly. 

Nico and Will were currently in the bathroom trying to find a way to wash Nico's hair without getting his arms wet. Nico refused to wear trash bags, saying he could do it himself.

"Lean your head into the sick and I'll wash your hair," Will said. Nico, who sat on the floor, shook his head. Will released a tired sigh. 

"Please," he begged. "Just once!" Nico glanced at his boyfriend, at the tired, pleading look, and gave in.

"Fine, but only once." Will rushed off to get supplies before Nico changed his mind. Will came back with a chair which he set in front of the sink, the backrest up against the rim. He put a towel where Nico's neck would rest and patted the seat for Nico.

Nico grumbled as he sat and tilted his head back into the sink. Will started the water, waited for it to get warm, then took a cup and carefully dumped water along Nico's hairline. Nico closed his eyes and he would never admit it, but he found it relaxing. 

Will started massaging shampoo into Nico's thick hair and Nico had to fight to stay awake. Will noticed. 

"You can relax," he said. Nico let his head dip further into the sink as he started nodding off. He was faintly aware of Will's hands in his hair, warm water, and a towel gently drying his hair. 

"Nico, all done." Will kissed Nico's exposed forehead as the boy opened his eyes. 

"Thanks," Nico said, voice thick with sleep. Will helped him up and to the bed where Nico laid down and got as comfortable as he could with his casts. Will cleaned up, then showered and joined Nico in the already warm bed. 

"Wasn't as bad a thought?" Will asked as Nico rested his head on his shoulder. 

"No," Nico admitted. He felt Will shift then settle his arms around him. 

"Goodnight, love." 

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