Nightmares (Solangelo)

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⚠️Mentions of blood & gore⚠️

Nico has nightmares. It was a known fact, not a secret. But no one knew what the nightmares were about. Will didn't know what they were about since Nico never talked about them. He only comforted his small boyfriend at night. 

Will was laying in the Hades cabin alone while waiting for Nico to return from sword training. Their schedules were different, making it hard to spend time together. Will tossed and turned on Nico's bed. He got up and did some jumping jacks. He was restless. He flopped down on the bed only to hear and bang from underneath.

"What the heck?" Will peered under the bed and pulled out a thick black journal. He sat on the floor and looked at the pages.

Night One

Tonight was worse than most. I was at camp and hellhounds were attacking. Everyone was dying. Percy had blood from his mouth and his head was severed. Annabeth and Grover went missing and we only found their hands. There was so much blood. Will had puncture wounds and kept saying my name. Even after death he kept talking and talking. It drove me crazy. I didn't want to be there. And the worst part was that I was fine, not one scratch on me. Everyone died, every single person. 

Will felt sick. He flipped through the journal and every page got more detailed. It was so vivid, like these events actually happened.

"Will? I'm back," Nico called. He glanced at the journal and paled. Nico stepped forward and tried to grab it, but Will held it close.

"What is this?" he whispered. 

"It's nothing. Just give it back," Nico went to grab the journal and Will held it above his head.

"It's not nothing. What are these, Nico?" Nico's eyes began to water and he started shaking

"It's my nightmares. All of them," Nico whispered. Will set down the journal and wrapped Nico in a hug. He soothed back the other boy's hair and whispered comforting words. 

"I want it to go away," Nico sobbed. 

"I know, but we'll make it okay? One step at a time." The pair stood hugging. From that day on Nico would talk about his nightmares and Will would listen. 

I found all these ideas and I'm so happy! Not gonna lie this week has sucked for me, but hopefully, someone out there is having an amazing day!

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