The Cop and his Criminal - Part 2

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Will awoke on a dusty couch with his hands tied together. A sliver of light broke through the curtains. Will looked around realizing he was in a dusty, one-room apartment. The only furniture was a coach, a table, one chair, and a small fridge. Sitting at the table with a bowl of cereal was Nico. 

"Good morning," he hummed as if he hadn't just kidnapped Will. Will looked wide-eyed at Nico, waiting for something to happen. Nico seemed unbothered by Will's staring and kept eating his Lucky Charms. 

Will sat up on the couch and went to stand, but Nico threw his spoon at him. The utensil hit Will in the back of his head. Will sat down again.

"Prisoners do not roam free." Nico moved to stand in front of Will. He picked up the spoon and bumped Will's nose with it leaving a drop of milk. 

"Same dazzling eyes," Nico whispered. Before Will could stop him, Nico moved his hand to Will's face and ran a thumb along his lips. Will pulled back and squeezed himself against the couch. His eyes frantically searched Nico and he spotted his gun behind Nico on the floor. If only he could-

"STOP!" Will jumped in his seat as Nico screamed. Will watched the other boy shake his head around and stumble into a wall. Will stayed firmly planted on the couch. Behind his back, he worked to undo the poorly tied knots. Nico never was good with knots. Will glimpsed at the gun a few feet away from him. 

Nico was still holding his head when Will ran for the gun. He slid to the floor and grabbed it with his untied hands. Nico either didn't notice or didn't care. Will stood quickly and trained the gun on Nico. 

"Oh my, so brave." Nico stumbled to his feet and leaned heavily on the wall.

"Nico, I need to take you into custody. Don't make this any harder." Will hated how his voice wavered. Nico waved him off as if they were discussing what color to paint the walls.

"That's what the voices said, but I didn't believe them." An insane chuckle escaped Nico's lips. Will froze and he knew one thing for sure. Nico was not okay. 

Will reached for his walkie-talkie, but it was gone. Nico watched him with curious eyes. 

"Oh," another insane giggle, "you're looking for this, sunshine?" Will froze at the old nickname and his gun dropped slightly. Nico pulled the walkie-talkie out of his jean pocket. He pressed the button and started talking. 

"I have sunshine! He's here!" Will lunged at Nico and slammed the smaller boy against the wall. Will held the gun to Nico's temple, but he knew he wouldn't be able to pull the trigger. Nico thrashed against Will, but Will wasn't letting him go. 

"Nico, you need to let me take you in," Will said as calmly as he could. Nico grabbed his own shirt collar and pulled it away from his neck. 

"Can't . . . breathe," he wheezed. Will looked at him in confusion. There was plenty of space between them and Will wasn't cutting off Nico's air. Nico started gasping and shaking. Will backed away as Nico slid down the wall.

"Will, I can't- no air." It was the first sentence Nico had said that somewhat sane. The gun in Will's hand lowered.

"Help. Can't . . . air." Nico made a pathetic sound. Will took a hesitant step towards Nico and then another until he was close enough to touch him. 

Will wanted to reach out and caress his cheek or comfort him, but he couldn't. Will was a cop and Nico was his criminal. 

Nico watched with wide eyes and shaky breaths as Will locked handcuffs on his wrists. Will grabbed his walkie-talkie.

"Piper?" A couple of seconds passed. 

"Oh my gods, Will! We thought you died!" Will sighed in relief and kept a firm hand on Nico's forearm. 

"I found our criminal. His name is Nico di Angelo. Can you pin my location and get a team down here?"

"Already on it. Is it possible you could bring him down? Chiron has lots of questions." 

"Of course." The communicator went silent. Will hauled a still shaking Nico to his feet. 

"Will," Nico pleaded. "C'mon, we love each other! Remember that time at the ice rink when-" Will shoved Nico roughly forward.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law." 

"Really, Will?" Will ignored Nico and shoved him out of the apartment door. Neighbors had stuck their heads out of doors and stared as Will escorted Nico to the old elevator.  Once the automatic doors shut, Nico started talking.

"Never thought I'd end up here." He chuckled awkwardly and all signs of insane were gone. He was just Nico di Angelo again. Will kept a straight face and stared forward as Nico continued talking.

"After you broke up with me everything went to hell. Fuck, I don't even know how I ended up here." Will gave a glance at Nico.

"Mama died after you left and broke contact. She gave everything to Bianca and when Bianca died her husband got all our stuff. I got nothing. Stupid, isn't it? I was living on the streets while her useless husband spent our money. I had to steal stuff or I was gonna die! Vandalizing city hall was for fun though." The elevator doors opened and Will dragged Nico outside the building and into the bright sun. Will tried to ignore the feeling in his chest because he didn't know what he was feeling. Guilt, sorrow, maybe even joy for seeing Nico again. 

"You need to stop talking," Will grumbled instead. Nico gave him the look he would always give Will when they were dating. Wide eyes, mouth open slightly, hair messy, and his head tilted slightly. 

"Will, I still lov-" A car door slammed shut and Will instantly turned his attention to the police cars. Percy, Piper, Jason, and Captain Chiron climbed out of the two cars. 

"Well," Percy said in surprise. Jason let out a low, long whistle. "If it isn't Nico di Angelo. Haven't seen you since high school. How's life treating ya?" A smirk appeared on Nico's face and he gestured toward the handcuffs around his wrists. 

"I'd say life is fan-fucking-tastic." 

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