The Cop and his Criminal - Part 3

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"What is your name?" 

"Shouldn't you already know that?" Officer Chase stared blankly at Nico deciding whether she should continue the interrogation or strangle him. 

"Did you rob the jewelry store?" Nico shrugged and leaned back in the chair as far as he could with his hands cuffed to the table. 

"Already told Will." Annabeth was about to scream when the door opened. Will came in with a file in his hand. He dropped it in front of Nico. 

"Explain these," he demanded. Nico opened the file to find a stack of evidence. Pictures from the jewelry store robbery along with a ring inside a plastic bag. Nico went to reach for the ring but Will slapped his hand away. 

"That ring was found at the jewelry store amid the evidence. I do believe it's yours." Nico returned Will's cold stare and leaned forward. 

"It is my ring," he confirmed. Will hummed and grabbed the file. 

"Good luck," Will said to Annabeth. He was almost to the door when Nico called him. 

"I don't forgive you." Will's steps faltered but he quickly put up his walls and walked out of the room. 


"So, ex-boyfriend?" Piper leaned against Will's desk with a mischievous smile. 

"How long?" she asked. Will dropped a file on his desk and tilted his head back to stare at the ceiling. 

"We dated for three years. Broke up a year ago." Piper was silent then released out an exasperated sigh. 

"You should talk to him." She nudged Will's arm. "He won't talk to anyone else but he keeps mentioning you." 

"Okay, but only for a little." Will pulled himself out of his chair and walked down the hall to the interrogation room. Annabeth was standing outside frantically writing on her clipboard. 

"He's all yours," she said without looking up. Will paused at the door. 

"Did he say anything?" Annabeth stopped writing and looked at Will.

"All he told me was that he gave his confession to you. Did he?" Will thought back to when Nico had been rambling in the elevator. He did mention vandalizing and stealing, but Will had no evidence of that. Besides, there was already enough evidence against Nico to prove he was guilty.

"Sorta. Is he in there?" Annabeth nodded and walked off down the hall. Will took a deep breath. Whatever happens in the interaction room between them will stay in the interrogation room. Will opened the door.  

Nico was sitting in a metal chair, his head on the table, and his hands cuffed to the table. He didn't look up at Will's arrival. Upon closer inspection, Will found that the boy was sleeping. Will's heart clenched at the sight. It brought back memories. 

"Hey, Nico," he whispered gently. Will wanted to run his fingers through the boy's dark hair and hold his hand and ki- 

No. He pushed the thoughts away quickly. They would only harm him in the end. 

Will took a seat at the other end of the table and folded his hands together. Even though Nico was asleep, he started talking. 

"I don't know what made you do it. Was it me or Bianca? Did- did something happened when I wasn't around?" Will was met with the silence that he expected. 

"I'm sorry. Truly, honestly, sorry. I was stressed a year ago and a relationship was too much. I didn't realize it would lead to this."

"It still hurt though." Will looked up to meet Nico's eyes. He was surprised to find a small, genuine smile on the boy's face. Will didn't know what to say. This was supposed to be interrogation but asking questions felt too extreme to accomplish. 

"You saw me and loved me and no one had ever down that before. You made me feel special and I started to believe I was special. Then you left and I knew I was nothing special. I wasn't something that should be loved." Will opened his mouth to protest but Nico held to silence him. 

"Let me finish. I did rob the jewelry store. I did graffiti city hall. I did shoot that cop in the leg. It was me. I did it all hoping to get your attention. Maybe even your love again. But it was stupid.  was stupid. No one loves a monster." Will's jaw dropped. Nico just handed him everything. Will had all the evidence needed to put Nico behind bars. 

Will stood and Nico followed the blonde with his eyes. 

"I'm sorry," Will whispered once more. Will leaned closer to Nico making sure his back was to the camera. He rested one hand near Nico's and kissed Nico on the cheek. Will pulled away. Nico didn't protest when he left the room. 

Annabeth was waiting outside for Will. They walked down the hall side by side to Captain Chiron's office. 

"He confessed," Will told her. 

"That's good. We can finally move on." Will did his best to ignore the aching in his chest. They arrived at the office and Annabeth knocked on the door. She pulled the door open for Will and followed him inside. 

Chiron was sitting at his desk written gon papers. He stopped when Will and Annabeth entered. 

"I take it you two got a confession?" 

"Yes, sir. It should be on the cameras," Will responded. They waited while Chiron pulled up the video feed. He was almost done when Percy and Jason stumbled into the room with Piper trailing them. 

"Jackson? Wh-" Percy rushed over to Chiron. Annabeth gave a questioning glance at Piper but she ignored it. 

"Nico's gone." Will should have been unsurprised. After all, he was the one who let Nico free.

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