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For reasons I'm not quite sure of, Voldemort does not exist in this. He died. Gone. Poof. Also, Harry and Draco are teachers. I followed the timeline and Harry Potter happened before Percy Jackson, so the demigods are almost like the next generation of wizards. 

"SLYTHERIN!" Nico di Angelo smiled as he joined his housemates at the table. 

"HUFFLEPUFF!" Will Solace beamed and sat next to his friends. The room boomed with laughter and conversation. Wizards of all ages talked. Percy sat at the Gryffindor table fawning over the blonde at the Ravenclaw table. She was reading a book and occasionally laughed which filled his stomach with butterflies. 

Nico di Angelo was talking with his housemates getting to know other people and make friends. It was their first year at Hogwarts. Hazel, an ambitious Gryffindor, quickly became close friends with Annabeth (Ravenclaw) and Piper (Slytherin). Most students found it an odd group. But that group kept growing. Percy and Jason, both first-year Gryffindors, started to tag along with the group. Then Frank Zhang managed to get caught up in it. Nico di Angelo was forced into the group after an incident in potions that got them detention. Then came Leo Valdez, the most rambunctious Ravenclaw ever. So, the group was formed and by the fourth year, they were close friends.

-Fourth Year-

"I haven't seen such a unique group since the Mauraders," Professor McGonagall mumbled. She watched as a group of eight walked down the hall. They were talking, pushing each other, making jokes. 

"Hey, Percy give me back my quill!" Nico yelled chasing Percy down the hall. He stumbled over his feet and fell to the floor. He heard Percy's footsteps stop. Nico looked expecting to see his friend's face but instead looking down at him was Will Solace. Nico spluttered and quickly got to his feet. His cheeks were a rosy pink.

"I-I am so sorry," Nico said quickly and then briskly walked in the other direction. 

"Is he okay?" Will asked Percy in confusion. 

"He'll be okay. Just a little bruised ego." But Percy frowned at his retreating friend. Nico wasn't at his next class or the class after that or lunch or at any of his classes. He was nowhere to be found.

"Maybe he's just taking a break," Jason offered. "You know he has nightmares." Percy lowered his drink. Hazel hadn't touched her dinner she was too worried about Nico. 

"He'll come back. He's probably at the astronomy tower," Jason reassured the pair. Nico didn't make an appearance at dinner, though. 

"Did you guys find Nico?" Annabeth asked on the way back to the dorms. Hazel shook her head and walked ahead of the group.

"I'm going to-" Frank nodded toward Hazel. The Hufflepuff walked ahead. 

"He'll be back. Don't worry," Piper said. The group sullenly walked to their dorms. 

"Percy!" The boy turned to face Will Solace.

"Yeah?" Will held up a finger and waited to catch his breath.

"I saw Nico walk to the forbidden forest," he rushed. Annabeth, Piper, Leo, Percy, and Jason stood for a moment, then the words registered.

"Oh my god-"

"Someone get McGonagall!"

"Someone grab the camera, some action is about to go down."

"We need to go help-"

"That little sh*t." 

"Is something the matter?" Professor McGonagall asked. She looked at the young wizards with a raised eyebrow. 

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