Royal - 3

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The lake was as Nico remembered it. Calm and peaceful. The top of the water looked like glass and the occasional bird would fly by. Trees surround the small lake and a thin ring of sand bordered the water. 

"This is beautiful. Do you come here often?" Will asked. 

"Sometimes when life gets stressful," Nico said and sat in the sand. Will followed. 

"Is your home life not very good?" Will started drawing in the sand. 

"It's okay." They didn't talk after that. Nico wrapped Will's cloak around him. He would have to remember to give it back. Nico looked over at Will. The boy's hair was practically glowing in the sunlight. He had a little smile on his face. Nico's heart did a little flip. What was happening? Nico quickly looked away.

"How do you feel about marrying my sister?" Nico's not sure why he asked that question. 

"Honestly, I don't want to. I don't really swing that way, Nico." Will didn't look away from the lake. Nico thought for a moment. Oh. 

"I don't swing that way either," he whispered. Will looked at him and Nico looked back. They stared at each other. Will has really pretty eyes, Nico thought. Subconsciously, Will and Nico had shifted closer. Nico's heart rate quickened. Their noses were almost touching when they heard the trees behind them rustle. They leaned away.

"Finally. I've been looking everywhere for you, Nico." Bianca emerged in a simple blue gown. Her hair was wrapped in a braided crown. 

"Father needs you in his study. He said it's important." Nico was suddenly annoyed. His father always needed him but never Bianca.

"Why?" Nico didn't bother hiding his annoyance. 

"I don't know. He just asked for you," Bianca said and sat in the sand next to Will. She placed her hand in his and Nico's stomach churned. His heart tightened. He was jealous. 

Nico walked away angrily and it was only until he reached the servent door that Nico realized he still had Will's cloak. He would have to return it tomorrow. 

His father's study was a big room with books, war plans, treaties, framed pictures, and everything else found in the king's chamber. Nico didn't like the room. Weapons covered in blood were framed and hung. Pictures of the Moon Kingdoms enemies all bound and gagged. Nico's stomach churned at the thought of torturing another human. 

"Sit." Nico found his father watching him, his eyes narrowed. Nico sat in the chair on the other side of his father's desk. King Hades faced his son, his hands clasped, and a never took his eye off Nico.

"I have a question," he said. Nico's heart beat faster. Nico could only nod. His mouth had gone dry and his hands were sweating. Why was he so nervous?

"You and Prince Will seem to be getting along nicely. I saw you two by the garden and caught a glimpse of you walking to the lake with him. I do believe that is his cloak." The cloak suddenly felt very heavy. Nico thought he might collapse from the weight. His father leaned closer to him over the desk.

"Need I remind you who Prince Will is supposed to be marrying?" Hades voice held a threat. Nico took a big breath of air. He was starting to become lightheaded. He couldn't think. His hands were shaking, he was sweating, his breathing was everywhere.

"Answer me!" his father yelled. Nico nodded and before his father could yell more, he ran out of the room. Nico stumbled a few times trying to get to his bedroom. He couldn't get enough air. He was drowning. Sprinting down the halls didn't help. Nico fumbled with the handle of his door and once inside, he locked it. Nico sunk to the floor. It was around three in the afternoon, but exhaustion washed over Nico and he fell asleep. 


When Nico awoke he wasn't sure what time it was. The room was dark, telling Nico it had to be past dinner. His stomach growled hungrily. Nico left his bedroom wearing the same outfit as yesterday. He intended to go to the kitchen when a thought occurred to him. He could return Will's cloak now. He knew his father wouldn't be happy if he saw Will during the day. 

Nico walked silently to Will's room. It was on the other side of the castle in the guest quarters. It was a long walk, but Nico was determined to return the cloak. 

He was a door away when his foot caught at the end of Will's cloak and he tripped. His hands shot out to catch him, but his chin still hit the ground. Pain exploded in his mouth and Nico could taste blood. He had bit his tongue. Nico pushed himself up and groaned. Blood dripped from his mouth and before he could stop it, landed on Will's cloak. The red was vibrant against the white. The blonde boy would definitely notice. 

On cue, Will's door opened and the boy walked out. He was in a robe and holding a lantern. The flame inside cast moving shadows across the walls.

"Nico?" Will asked and rushed over. He set the lantern down and sat in front of Nico. Will grabbed the boy's face gently and turned it left to right looking for injuries. He finally noticed the blood in the boy's mouth and understood what had happened. Will bundled up the cloak he lent Nico and put it under the boy's mouth.

"Spit the blood into this." Nico shook his head and refused. He wasn't going to ruin Will's cloak, but Will kept insisting and the blood in his mouth was awful. Nico spit. The metallic taste left in his mouth caused him to gag. Will rubbed his back and with the other hand soothed Nico's hair away from his face. When Nico stopped gagging, he rested his head against the cool tile floor. 

"Let's get you to bed, Nico." Nico felt Will's hands help him up. Nico was dreading the walk back, so he was confused when Will led him in the opposite direction.

"Where we goin'?" Nico mumbled. He was leaning heavily on Will and he felt bad, so he leaned away a little. Will led him inside his bedroom and to the bed. Nico sat down heavily. 

"I'm sorry," Nico said. 

"It's fine," Will said and left. He came back minutes later with the bloody cloak and the lantern. He blew out the flame and the moon provided little light. It was almost pitch black.

"I should go back to my room," Nico whispered. Embarrassment started to set in. He had ruined Will's cloak, he almost threw up in front of Will, and he was weak in front of Will. 

"Stay here," Will said, and then his eyes widened. "I-I'm mean you don't have to. Sorry, that sounded demanding." 

"I'll stay." Nico was thankful for the little light so Will could not see his smile and his blush. His insides were fluttering. 

"I assumed we could share the bed, it's big enough, but if that makes you uncomfortable I ca-" Nico cut Will off.

"No, it's okay." Nico heard Will shuffle to the other side of the bed. He felt the covers being pulled back and then Will climbed in. Nico followed a few seconds later. He was still dressed in his white tunic and jeans, but they weren't the most uncomfortable clothes. Nico and Will stayed a respectful distance away. Nico's body finally shut down from exhaustion and hunger. He fell asleep for the second time that day. 


The sound of whimpering and mumbling woke Will up. He was confused at first, but then remembered Nico sleeping on the other side of the bed. Will turned to face him. Nico was still asleep but he was moving and whimpering and flinching like he was being hit. Will was unsure of what to do. 

He watched Nico and every time the boy whimpered it was like a pang in Will's chest. Making a decision, Will crawled across the bed to Nico. He pulled the boy into a hug while laying down. Nico instantly stopped muttering and moving. At last, he fell into a peaceful sleep against Will's chest. Will fell asleep soon after, putting the worries of the morning behind him. 

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