R A N D O M, A G A I N

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Percy: I'm the most responsible of this entire group

Annabeth: You just set the kitchen on fire

Percy: Yes and I take responsibility for that


Will: *Hugs Nico*

Nico: Woah, I have this weird tingling feeling going through my body

Piper: It's called feelings, Nico

Leo: Nico doesn't get feelings. It's probably just a disease


Annabeth: It's too heavy we're gonna sink! We need to throw something overboard!

Percy: Why don't you have Nico drop his angst!

Nico: Why don't we start with your ego!?


Will: Come one, Nico. Why don't you just admit your feelings for me?

Nico: *Whispers* Because I'm afraid of falling

Will: *Raises his chin with thumb and looks into his eyes* Don't worry. I'll catch you.


Annabeth: Toss me my keys

Percy: *Proceeds to throw a whole printer at her*

Annabeth: I said my keys

Percy: I thought you said printer

Annabeth: WTF would I say printer?


Will: Let me see what you have


Will: NO


Percy: *Shining a flashlight under Nico's bed*

Percy: Nico, are you ready to come out and socialize?

Nico: *demonic screeching*

Percy: Understandable, have a nice day

Percy Jackson/Solangelo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now