Royal - 2

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Warning ⚠️ - Hades is not kind to Nico. Just a heads up. 

When Prince Nico awoke he knew something was wrong. His blinds were open letting sunlight in, his crown was neatly placed on his dresser, and his shoes were delicately placed at the door. He knew it wasn't the servants. He had forbidden them from coming into his room from 6:00 PM to 11:00 AM.

Nico groggily rolled off the bed and tried to righten his clothes. He squinted against the bright light in his room.

"Good morning." Nico jumped in the air and held a hand to his heart. He turned to find Prince Will in a chair with a book in his lap.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. King Hades asked that I come and wake you, but you were still sleeping." Nico momentarily forgot how to speak. The light was hitting Will's hair just right, lighting up his face and making him look stunning. Will stood while flipping through the book.

"This seems very adventurous. Wizards and wands always interested me. Would you mind if I borrowed it?" Nico shook his head not caring at the moment that he just lent his favorite book. Why was he only now noticing how beautiful the prince of the Sun Kingdom was? Will stood awkwardly and Nico realized he was waiting for an answer.

"Yes, yes, of course, take it." Nico internally cringed at how high and scratchy his voice was.

"Thank you, Prince Nico," Will said and held the book close to him. Nico didn't like how formal his name sounded.

"Just call me Nico." Will looked surprised by the request. His eyes followed Nico from head to toe, taking in his appearance. Nico suddenly felt self-conscious. His hair must be messy and greasy, his clothes wrinkled, and his face must hold his tiredness.

"Call me Will, then." The boy left without another word taking the book with him. Once he was gone Nico relaxed and realized how tense he was. He quickly dressed in his only clothes the white tunic laced in gold and the blue jeans. He was disgusted at the image in the mirror. It was too bright. Too cheery. Nico put on the black cloak hoping to hide his clothes. It was better, but not perfect. It would have to do. Nico put his crown on not bothering to fix his hair. He brushed his teeth and slipped on his black ring.

Downstairs, in the eating area, King Apollo, Prince Will, Princess Bianca, and King Hades were talking over dishes of eggs, bacon, toast, muffins, sausage, and fruit. King Hades noticed his son walking in late to the breakfast table.

"Glad you could join us. Please, sit and help yourself." Nico got the message in his father's voice. You have made a fool of us. Nico sat with his head bowed and cautiously grabbed a muffin. He had eaten half of it when his father stopped him.

"That is enough, you are excused. Go start your chores." Nico looked at his father and glanced at Will. The boy was growing. Nico left the muffin on his plate and left the table. On his way out his father called, "Change out of that hideous clothing. Your embarrassing yourself." Nico's faced burned as he left the room.

Prince Nico headed outside to do his chores. Yes, the prince of the Moon Kingdom had to do chores. Bianca never did chores. Why was that? Nico started with the garden. He pulled out the weeds not caring that his white tunic was being covered in dirt. He watered the flowers and trimmed the vines. His stomach started to rumble with hunger. Nico would be on time for lunch.

"You're working hard." Nico jumped the second time that day, but he knew who had spoken. Nico put down the shovel and turned to Will. He had a glass of orange juice in his hand and a plate with a blueberry muffin.

"I thought you would be hungry after breakfast." Nico's heart swelled. No one had ever brought him breakfast. Not even the servants. Nico took the plate from Will and started to eat. Will sat next to him in the dirt, not caring that his white outfit would be ruined. Nico quickly ate the food afraid his father would catch him and punish him.

"Thank you," Nico said after he finished. Will gazed at the garden. The flowers had bloomed beautiful shades of yellow, purple, orange, pink, white, and red. Will reached out to touch one and then drew his hand back.

"Can I?" he asked. Nico cut a yellow rose from a plant and handed it to Will careful to avoid the thorns. Wil smelled it and grabbed the scissors from Nico. He cut the thorns and stuck the flower in his hair. He looked beautiful.

"Shouldn't you be spending the day with my sister? Getting to know each other before the wedding." The wedding was in two days and then two days after that was Nico's coronation. Did Will know about Nico becoming the king?

"I offered but she declined. She had business to take care of in town." Will didn't seem sad at being rejected but his posture held a sort of defeat. Before Nico could think of what he saying he blurted out, "Why don't we go do something?" Will looked up at him and Nico's heart quickened. Will's eyes shone a joyful color of blue and Nico was close enough to notice the freckles doting Will's nose.

"Like what? I have always wanted to explore around the kingdom," Will said and stood. Nico thought for a moment. They could see the horses but Nico was positive Will had his horses. He thought of the lake, then. It would be too cold to swim in, but they could enjoy the view.

"The kingdom has a lake little ways into the forest," Nico said. He quickly put the garden tools in the shed and dusted off his clothes. On the way out of the garden, Nico's cloak caught on a rose bush tearing the fabric.

"Oh no," Nico groaned. His father would not be happy with him. Nico probably wouldn't get lunch because of his poor appearance. Nico removed his cloak and inspected the damage. The fabric had torn from the base up to the hood.

"The servants can probably fix it," Will offered and then started to remove his cloak. It was white with gold drawings of the sun and the hood had white fur lining the edge. Will handed the cloak to Nico.

"Take it, please," Will said when Nico refused. Nico looked at the silky fabric. I do not deserve such a thing, he thought. But he put the cloak on anyway.

He led Will to a path that ran through the forest to the lake. Some parts were overgrown with weeds and roots while others were perfectly gardened.

"Thank you for this, Nico," Will said. Nico liked how his name sounded without the 'prince' in front of it. He felt more human. With that he led Will deeper into the forest, trying to ignore the butterflies in his stomach. 

Part 3 is in progress!

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