RANDOM! I find these fun to write. Maybe I'm just lazy.

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Chiron: Are you kids getting enough sleep?

Percy: . . .

Annabeth: . . .

Piper: . . .

Jason: . . .

Frank: . . .

Hazel: . . .

Leo: . . .

Nico: Sometimes, when I sneeze, my eyes close. Does that count?



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I didn't draw the art. I can't find the artist. 


Nico: *Sniffs*

Jason: *gasp* We got a 23-19!! RED ALERT!! IT'S A 23-19!

Will: *Jumps through window*

Nico: There's a door right there. . .

Will: *on walkie talkie* 23-19 at eagles nest, over?

Other side of walkie talkie: Roger that, aide arriving at eagle nest in 3. . .2. . .1

Percy: *Crashes through the ceiling*

Nico: What the hades guys. . .

Percy: *takes a tissue out of pocket* aide secure check!

Jason: *grabs Nico* Target check!

Will: *grabs tissue* Aiming at target! *Puts tissue under Nico's nose* Target locked!

Percy: Firing in 3. . .2. . . 1

Nico: -_- *blows*

Jason: Mission accomplished boys



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Percy Jackson/Solangelo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now