How I say 'I love you'

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Nico POV

There are many different ways to say 'I love you'. So many different ways that covering all of them would be impossible. Over the years, my boyfriend Will has said 'I love you' in many different ways. This is the story of 6 ways of how my boyfriend loves me. 

Number 1: As a hello

It had been a rough day and I was laying on the couch of our apartment. Will was still driving home and I was anxious to see him. I wanted to talk to him about my day and everything that went wrong. 

I perked up when hearing the door open. I waited on the couch. I didn't want to seem anxious. When Will's eyes found me he smiled. 

"I love you," he said and laid next to me. He allowed me to vent and then fall asleep after I finished. 

Number 2: With a hoarse voice under the blankets

It was Will who was having a rough day. I stayed home from work caring for my sick boyfriend. I nudged open our shared bedroom door and silently set the soup on the dresser.

"Will? I brought you some soup. It will help with your throat." Will moved from under the blankets but didn't appear. I laid next to him and rubbed his back. His hair was still wet from his bath (an attempt to ease his stomach pains) and the pillow was now wet and cold. 

"Will? You need to eat," I said softly. Will pressed closer to me.

"I love you," he rasped. 

"I love you, too. But you need to eat." Will grumbled but emerged from the blankets and took the soup. He ate slowly and once he was done we cuddled until Will was better. 

Number 3: A scream

Capture the flag was intense. Percy's team (blue) had better players which was totally unfair. Will was on that team (still not fair) which left me alone on the red team. I was currently creeping through the forest toward the blue flag. The leaves kept crunching and I cursed every time I stepped on a branch. Stupid boyfriend and his your-not-healthy-enough-to-shadow travel-so-don't-do-it, rules.

In his thinking, Nico wasn't aware of the blonde creeping being him. Will barreled into Nico's back and pinned the smaller boy to the floor. 

"Ahhh! Will you get off of me!" I shouted into the ground. Will layed his whole body across my back. Sure, Solace, make yourself at home. I struggled under him but he was heavier than me. 

"Sorry, Nico. Captains orders." Oh, Annabeth was going to pay. How dare she set my boyfriend against me? Another weight was added on top of me and Will. 

"Percy!" Will yelled. I was barely breathing with the two bodies on top of me. 

"Can't. . . breathe!" I gasped. Percy rolled off and then Will, allowing me to stand. But before I could react Will had me in his grasp and Percy was tying my hands together. 

"WILL!" I hollered. 

"Sorry baby, but I have a job. Percy, take him to jail!" I gawked as my boyfriend left me. Percy led me to the Blue Teams jail and I pouted when I sat. 

"WILL SOLACE YOU HAVE LOST KISSING PRIVLIGES!" I shouted into the sky hoping Will would hear me. 

"I LOVE YOU!" I heard Will shout through the trees. I laughed silently to myself. I'm positive I saw Percy smile when Will shouted. 

Number 4: Over a cup of tea

Will drinks tea and I drink hot chocolate. Coffee is just too bitter. It was a cold morning. The type of morning where we stayed inside all day and did puzzles or watched TV. 

"I love you," Will whispered while sipping his tea. I smiled at him and returned my attention back to the Polar Express puzzle but I could tell his eyes were still on me. He was looking at me with love.

Number 5: On a sunny day, the sunlight is glowing your hair

Will had magic hair that glows. Literally. And when he's sitting in the sun, like he is now, it glows even brighter. I like to imagine it means he's happy, like how a dog wags its tail when it's excited. 

On this afternoon, the sun was shining just right making Will's hair look like melted gold. I ran my fingers through it.

"I love you," Will said as he smiled. We watched the sunset together until the stars rose high in the sky. 

Number 6: As a thank you

It was Will's birthday and I wanted to make it special. I wasn't good with birthdays or any celebrations, but I wanted to change that. Maybe, just, maybe I could give Will a birthday that was different from the others. 

I started with the cake. Well, lack of cake, since I decided ice cream sundaes would be better. More fun. Then I sent invitations, even though it was Camp Half-blood. I decorated the dining Pavillion, trusting Cecil to keep Will distracted. The guest's arrived 30 minutes before Will. 

"When he comes, we surprise him," I told the crowd. They nodded and I went to find Will. I found him by the lake twirling a stick in the calm water. The ripples caused the moon's reflection to scatter. 

"Hey," I said and sat next to him. He rested his head on my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around him.

"Where were you today?" he asked.

"I was planning," I said vaguely, "But it's a surprise. Come with me." We stood and held each other's hands. When Will saw the lights at the dining Pavillion and all the birthday decorations, he turned to me.

"Happy birthday!" I said with jazz hands. Will hugged me tightly.

"I love you," he whispered in my ear. I hugged him back.

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