Coffee Shop (Solangelo)

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November 12 was a cold day. That's why I had three coats on while walking to the local coffee shop. I was in dire need of hot chocolate. 

It was windy and cold and my eyes were watering from allergies. I had several used tissues in my pocket from my runny nose. I walked faster when a big gush of wind came. 

I quickly walked through the doors of the cafe and into the warm air. I sighed in pleasure at the smell of chocolate and cinnamon. It may seem cliche, but the reason I came to this particular coffee shop was because of the brown-eyed barista. 

He always worked on the weekdays but took the weekends off. He smelled like cinnamon most of the time. His eyes were the color of chocolate. He hates coffee but loves hot chocolate. He pretends to be threatening but he is just a soft little marshmallow. That was Nico Di Angelo. 

Three people were already in line and I joined them. The wait wasn't long seeing as another barista was helping Nico. His name was Percy, I think, and he had a thing for blowing up the coffee machines.

"What can I get you?" Nico asked me. I swear every time I see him I forget how to talk. This was my chance to express my love for Nico, don't blow it.

"A date?" I asked him timidly. He looked surprised and then smirked. 

"That can be arranged." He wrote something on the coffee cup.

"Your order will be ready soon," he said. I knew for a fact that he memorized my order. I'm a pretty frequent customer. I waited at one of the tables and sprinted when Percy called my name. 

"Enjoy your drink." Percy winked at me. I heard Nico groan from the register and mutter something about stupid seaweed. 

I read what Nico wrote on the cup. Friday at 6. Meet me here. I blushed and walked out of the coffee shop. I had a date tomorrow.

-30 minutes till said date- 

No, no, no. I was going to be so late. I had stayed up late worrying about the date which caused me to have bags under my eyes. I decided to take a nap so I wouldn't look like a walking zombie during the date but ended sleeping too much. Now I going to be late for the date (that rhymes).

I had changed into jeans and a flannel, then remembering it was freezing outside changed into a heavy blue coat and put leggings under my jeans. I looked okay, but my hair was a mess. I attempted to tame it with my fingers as I walked to the coffee shop. 

I found Nico sitting at one of the outside tables and boy did he look cute. His red nose was hidden behind a black scarf. He was wearing a black coat and black jeans. He managed to look hot and cute at the same time, which was totally not fair.

"Hey," He said when he saw me. 

"Hi. So, where are we going?" I asked him. He got up and grabbed my hand. My heart fluttered at his touch, but I managed to remain somewhat calm. 

"I thought we could walk through the park and then come back here for drinks." I told him that sounded wonderful and we started walking. 

"Who's taking your shift?" I asked as we crossed the street.

"Jason. He and Percy have a weird bromance, so they'll be fine." Nico smiled slightly as we reached the park. The cold weather scared away most people, but some brave souls were still walking in the park. 

We walked for a while and talked about our hobbies. Turns out Nico loves the snow. I would have never guessed. 

"It's just so magical! You can do so much in it. It can be beautiful, but also kill people." He got this goofy smile on his face when he was talking. 

This was the boy I wanted to be with for the rest of my life. I wanted to cuddle him and hug him and make him laugh. 

"Nico," I said cutting off his sentence. 


"Will you be my boyfriend?" Nico looked surprised but then smiled softly. 

"Yeah. Yeah, I'd like that." He squeezed my hand a little tighter. I turned toward him and grab his face in my hands.

"Can I kiss you?" He wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Stop asking stupid questions." Then he connected our lips. 

Note- I'm trying to make these longer, but. . . yeah. Have a spectacular day!

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