Skater Boy

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Leo Valdez, the best skateboard maker in the business. Flames? Easy. Light up wheels? No problemo. Rockets? Give him a few hours and you'll be going 60 mph down the highway.

Percy Jackson, Leo's most frequent customer, and best friend. Jason Grace, Percy's bro. Need a cool design? Ask Frank Zhang, he'll most likely have answers.

Leo was currently testing a mini rocket when Percy and Jason walked in. 

"Hey, dude! Hold on one sec." Leo lit the rocket and it went flying into the test mattress. 

"Okay. What brought you two here?" Leo asked them. Jason grinned excitedly, "Well, we found a new consumer!" Percy pointed to a kid standing at the front of the shop. Tiny, pale, unkempt black hair, and baggy clothes. Yep, Leo confirmed, it's an emo. 

"Nico, come here." Percy waves the kid over. Nico walked slowly and hesitantly like a train was going to come through the shop at any moment. 

"So kid, watcha looking for?" Leo asked him. Nico just stared at him, not creepily. More like a curious stare. Percy elbowed Nico in the side.

"Oh, um, a board?" It sounded like a question. 

"Okay. New or just accessories?" Leo asked the boy. 

"New!" Jason said. Nico gave a glare, but Jason pretended not to notice.

"Okay. I'm guessing just normal board. Okay, color or design?" Leo asked the boy. He grabbed a wooden board of the self and laid it on the table. 

"Black." Leo painted the board black. He put grip on the top and asked for the color of the metals. Nico responded with black, again. Percy and Jason were grinning. Wierdos, Leo thought.

"Wheel color?" Leo assumed it was going to be black. 

"Yellow." Nico said. Leo raised an eyebrow, "Why not black?" 

"My boyfriends favorite color is yellow." Nico said. Leo finished up the skateboard, making sure everything was running smoothly before handing it over to Nico. 

"Nico, you know how to get to your apartment right?" Percy asked. Nico nodded and Percy sent him on his way. 

"Okay, what's the scoup?" Leo asked. 

"He's are cousin on our dad's side." Jason explained. 

"Kids boyfriend is like, major skater, right?" Percy continued. Leo nodded his head, not seeing where this was going. 

"Nico comes up to us like, 'hey, you can skate? Teach me?'" Jason said, imitating Nico in a high voice. 

"So we taught him some tricks and then practically begged him to buy a board." Percy continued. Leo looked between the two, confused. 

"I don't-" The front door opened and Frank entered the shop. 

"Hey guys." He gave a shy wave with on hand. He was a carrying a box full of paints and stencils.

"Dude!" Leo held out his hand for a first bump. Frank bumped Leo's hand awkwardly. 

"I've got the designs you asked for." Frank set the box on the counter.

"Sweet! Thank, man." Leo dug through the box looking like a child on Christmas.

-2 months later-

Nico and Will rode down to the shop. Nico was still new to skatboarding, but he was a fast learner. 

"What can I do for you?" Leo asked. Will grinned, " I want to add some graphics." Leo motioned for him to set the skateboard on the table. 

"What were you thinking?" Leo asked. 

"A sun and a skull." Will said. 

"Do you have a picture?" Leo questioned. Will handed over a picture.

Leo started the design on Will's skateboard

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Leo started the design on Will's skateboard. 

"What do you think?" Will asked Nico. Nico shrugged, "It's cool." Will gasped dramatically, "How dare you! I am your boyfriend!" Nico giggled and shoved Will. Will then stuck his tongue out at Nico. Nico smiled fondly at his boyfriend. He should thank Percy and Jason for his skating lesson's.

Authors Note: Here! My motivation has run off somewhere and I can't find it! Let's just say that the ending is bad. Thanks for reading! This is also unedited. 😭

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