Dad - Percabeth

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My hands sweat as I pace the bedroom of Percy and I's apartment. I'm beyond nervous. Percy should be home soon. 

"Annabeth?" There he is. I walk out of the room trying to hide my nervousness. 

"Hey," he says when seeing me, "I thought we could go out tonight." I try to speak but no words come out, so I nod. Percy gives me an odd look but continues putting his stuff away. I watch him and sit on the couch. My legs are shaking too badly to stand. 

"Percy?" My voice comes out hoarser than I'd like. He turns to me and when seeing my face sits on the couch next to me. He takes both my hands. 


"I want to tell you something and I'm not sure how you'll react. I'm-" Percy cuts me off with a kiss. It calms my nerves. He pulls away and looks me in the eyes. 

"Percy, I'm pregnant." He stares at me. Oh no, he's freaking out. He's gonna walk away. No, no Percy would never do that. He would-

"Hello pregnant," he says, "I'm dad." He has tears in his eyes and a wobbly smile on his face. I let out a small laugh and Percy pulls me into a hug. I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Can Nico be the godfather?" he whispers and I nod. 

"Can his/her room be blue?" I nod again. 

"If the babies a boy can his name be Beckandorf or Beck?" I nod.

"If it's a girl can we name her Zoe?" I ask. Percy nods this time. He pulls away from the hug and rests his hands on my belly.

"Welcome to this world," he whispers.  

Percy Jackson/Solangelo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now