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Nico: Look, Percy, it's funny how when you fall in love you start to notice all the little details and habits they have and just start collecting and memorizing them.

Percy: Like what?

Nico: Like. . . how they wake up and have their coffee, but they wait a little so that's it's not hot. Or how they love shopping for stuff from Star Wars. How they love sleeping with stuffed animals. How the left side of his mouth is a little higher than the right when he smiles. How his hair glows in the sun. 

Percy: Uh, Nico? Do you hear yourself right now? I have some news for you. 

Nico: Yes, why? What do you me- *sudden realization*

Nico: *blushes furiously*

Nico: Oh my god. I've got a crush on Will.

Percy, smirking: Yep.


Jason, driving Will and Nico: So, how was your day?

Will: We got surprise adopted!

Jason: What?

Nico: We got kidnapped.

Jason: Oh, okay.

Jason: *slams on the breaks* WAIT, WHAT?!

Percy Jackson/Solangelo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now