Shopping (Solangelo)

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Nico and Will were incapable of shopping together. They rarely went to the grocery store together, even if they both needed things, but today was different. Today, Nico insisted on coming. Will drove while Nico changed the radio station and they were both panicking. 

"We need eggs," Nico said.

"I know, I know. The store closes in an hour, we should be fine," Will responded but speed up anyway. When they arrived Will grabbed a shopping cart and Nico grabbed the reusable bags.

"Can I sit in the cart?" Nico asked. Will sighed and motioned for Nico to climb in. 

"To the cereal!" Nico said. They spent five minutes arguing over what cereal to buy.

"Cheerios are healthier than Lucky Charms," Will argued. He despised sugary cereal and refused to eat it.

"We can get both?" Nico asked hesitantly. 

"No, we're broke." And Will was right. They ended not getting any cereal and moved onto the produce

"Apples, bananas, and avocados," Nico read from the list. Will grabbed the fruit and put them in bags. 

"I love you cherry much," Will pecked Nico's lips. Nico blushed and stammered.

"Don't do puns," Nico grumbled. 

"Sorry, I'm bad at pickup limes." Nico groaned and Will laughed. They continued shopping with Nico occasionally sneaking stuff into the cart. Will would notice the random appearance of chips, but let it slide, sometimes.

"Put back the candy bar," he told Nico.


"We can't-"

"I want it!"

"WE'RE BROKE!" Nico looked helplessly at Will as he returned the candy bar back to the shelf.

"Fine," Will relented. Nico jumped up and grabbed the candy then returned to the shopping cart. Once they were at the checkout Will realized something.

"We forgot the milk. Stay here with the cart." Will ran off into the store. Nico panicked knowing he had no money. He started getting closer to the checkout. Two people away, one person away. His anxiety was growing. Would the cashier yell at him? Tell him he needed money and force him out of the store. Nico started loading the items onto the belt once it was his turn.

"The total will be $36.98," she said. Nico panicked.

"I, uh, h-he went to grab milk. He should b-be back," Nico stuttered. The cashier nodded and thankfully Will was back soon.

"Sorry," he said while putting the milk on the belt. Will paid and Nico glared at him the whole time. While putting the groceries in the cart, Nico started talking.

"I can't believe you left me! That was scary." Nico pouted the whole ride home. He helped unload the groceries but as soon as they were done Nico disappeared into his room. Will knocked on their shared bedroom.

"Come on, Nico. I didn't mean to leave you with the cashier that long," Will said through the door. Moments later Nico opened the door. 

"It's okay. Just don't do it again." Nico held out his arms and Will walked into them. 

"Why don't we go eat that candy bar?" Will mumbled into Nico's hair. Nico nodded but the pair hugged a few moments longer before eating the chocolate. 

Unedited. And thank you for 600+ reads!

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