Happy Birthday

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In honor of Nico's birthday (January 28) I wrote a little birthday fic

Will POV

How do you celebrate a person's birthday when they don't want a cake, or presents, or anything remotely close to a party? I have no clue what to plan for Nico. He'll be awake in a few hours and nothing has been done. I could make cookies? Blue cookies? I need party decorations. Ballons. Confetti. But not enough to make it look like a party.

I grab my phone and quickly text Percy.

I need decorations and blue cookies.

Say no more. We'll be there in two hours with a party.🥳

I sigh hoping he's joking. Nico doesn't want a party and our apartment isn't big enough to host one. I walk to the kitchen to start breakfast. Eggs, chocolate chip pancakes, and bacon. Simple, but that's what Nico requested.

I make a smiley face atop the pancake with the eggs and bacon. Once I'm satisfied, I go upstairs to wake Nico. He asked to sleep in, but it's almost eleven and he won't feel good if he sleeps any longer.

I find the boy in the center of the bed, on his stomach, wrapped in blankets, with a pillow over his head. I sit on the edge of the mattress and ease myself down next to Nico.

The pillow is covering his face, but his nose sticks out along with a few strands of hair.

"Nico? Birthday boy? Rise and shine!" Nico doesn't move. I'm tempted to let him sleep longer, but I want him awake and feeling good. He doesn't need to feel drowsy on his birthday.

"Nico, wakey, wakey. Hello? Earth to death breath? Spooks? Awake?" At this point, I'm not trying. Nico doesn't move or make any signs to show he's awake. I place my hand on his back and slowly rub circles. Nico shifts closer to me a little. I remove the pillow from his face. Nico is awake instantly when the bright sunlight hits his eyes.

Nico looks at me, groans, and then rolls the other way with his back facing me. I snort at his childish behavior. I lay over Nico's back.

"Will," he groans.

"Yes?" Nico struggles under me.

"Get off," he grunts and relentlessly tries pushing me off. I roll off him and kiss his cheek.

"Happy birthday," I whisper. Nico gets out of bed and stretches. I get up and stand a little ways away waiting for him to be ready to come downstairs.

"Can I have a hug?" he asks. I hold my arms out and he runs into them. I bury my face in his hair. Nico's head rests against my chest. We sway while we hug. After a while, we pull away but stay close.

"Breakfast" I offer. Nico nods and we go downstairs. He smiles a little while seeing the breakfast display.

"Orange juice, milk, or water?" I ask.

"Milk," Nico says. He waits until I sit at the table to start eating.

"I'm starving," Nico says while piling a pancake into his mouth.

"You did sleep in till eleven." Nico waves me off and finished his breakfast.

"Percy and everyone is coming over later," I tell him. Nico's face falls a little but he quickly tries to put up a smile. I notice.

"What's wrong." He doesn't answer and moves to the kitchen to put away his dishes. I follow him and stand next to him while he cleans his plate.

"Do you not want anyone to come over?" He still doesn't answer me and now he's avoiding my eyes. I grab the plate from his hands, set it in the sink, and then turn off the water. I grab his shoulders and turn him so he's facing me.

Percy Jackson/Solangelo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now