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The rumors spread like a wildfire. It happened one time and that was enough to have the whole school talking about it. 

"What should I do?" I asked Annabeth through the phone. It was monster safe, of course. 

"The rumor will die, you're fine."

"Okay, thanks. Love you."

"Love you too." I hung up. You may be wondering what the rumor was. Percy Jackson is a mermaid. That's it. That's the rumor. 

It started as a normal Tuesday for me. I ate breakfast and walked to school. Classes went by at snail speed and then I had swimming practice after school. 

"Jackson! You staying here?" the captain of the swim team asked after practice. 

"Yeah." I was sitting by the edge of the pool with my feet in the water. After the team left I decided to go for a swim. I was a son of Poseidon, so naturally, I sat underwater for a few hours. Maybe a few hours too long. 

One of my teams mates had forgotten something. They came back into the pool area and found me at the bottom. They watched for a few seconds, and then minutes, and then they were convinced I was dead. 

"What the hell were you doing?" Mark asked me. He had jumped in and grabbed me at the bottom. I squirmed out of his arms.

"Swimming." His mouth was hanging open. 

"For thirty minutes at the bottom? How are you not dead!?" He had dragged me to the edge of the pool. I dried off and slipped a hoodie on. MIne peaceful swimming time was ruined.

"I can hold my breath for a while." I was starting to worry. It was strange I wasn't dead, but that was only him. I knew I wasn't going to die.

"The world record is somewhere around 22 minutes. A normal human can only hold their breath for two minutes." Dam Mark and his dictionary brain. 

"I-i" What do you say? I'm a son of Poseidon? I'm a fish?

"You're a mermaid!" Mark yelled at me. Forget Mark and his dictionary brain. That's the stupidest conclusion I've heard. 

"No. I'm not a mermaid."

"Then what are you?" I was silent.

"Ha! You are a mermaid!" Mark walked out the doors, happy with his judgment. Tomorrow was going to be so fun.


"He's a mermaid."

"I swear it's true."

"-underwater for 8 hours."

"Talks to fish." I scowled as I walked down the hall. Kids turned their heads and then quickly looked away. News that I was a mermaid spread fast. The facts had stretched going from me being a mermaid to having god-like powers. 

"It's bad Annabeth! Everyone stares," I complained to Annabeth. 

"Stop being such a baby. Here put me on speaker." I didn't question her. I held the phone away from my ear.

"LISTEN UP. MY BOYFRIEND IS NOT A MERMAID!" All heads in the hallway turned in my direction. My face flushed and I quickly took the phone off speaker. 

"Really?" I asked her.

"What? Maybe the rumors will go away." And they did, but a new rumor quickly took place. Percy Jackson had a warrior for a girlfriend and they weren't wrong.

Note- It's unedited and it's currently 12 o'clock and I'm exhausted. My dog threw up in my room and we can't get the smell out of my carpet. It really stinks. I did get Orbeez today though, so that went okay. Spent almost 2 hours in Target. I got around to reading which made me happy. Hope anyone reading this had an amazing day! 

Percy Jackson/Solangelo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now