Lets Dance

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Will grabbed Nico's hands and pulled his boyfriend onto the dance floor. Music played loudly as people danced widely. Nico bit back a smile as Will waved his hands carelessly. Nico shook his head and buried his face in his hands, embarrassed by his boyfriend's childish attitude.  

Will pulled Nico's hands away and started spinning Nico in a circle. Nico was stiff but he let Will force him into dancing. Will wasn't a good dancer either, but he was better than Nico. Nico laughed when Will started to sing badly.

"It started with a whisper!" Will moved Nico along with the music. "And that was when I kissed her!" Nico laughed at his boyfriend's foolishness. A couple smiled at them and then returned to their own dancing. 

Will spun Nico again and then forced Nico's arms to move along with the beat. Will continued to sing at the top of his lungs making Nico laugh. Nico started dancing on his own making Will smile more. 

"There you go!" Will cheered when Nico started dancing crazily. Nico giggled and wrapped Will in a loose hug. They swayed for a few seconds then pulled away again when the music picked up, but their hands stayed connected. 

"It started with a whisper!" Nico joined Will in singing the next lines. "And that was when I kissed her!"  Will pulled Nico closer until their noses were touching. 

"And then she made my lips hurt!" Will kissed Nico's nose, then both his checks, the corner of his mouth. The music faded as Will looked Nico in the eyes. It was silent while the next song was picked and Will took the opportunity to kiss Nico quickly on the lips. 

I've had this sitting around for so long and I'm not sure why I didn't post it. I've been slow on writing and I just finished watching She-Ra which left me happy but now my standards for TV shows are very high. 

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