The Cop and his Criminal - Part 4

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The police station broke into a panic. Will tried to hide his worry for where Nico may be or whether he got out. 

Officers patrolled the halls and police units were sent out to scour the streets. It was unusual for a criminal to escape a police station unnoticed, but Nico had managed to accomplish it. 

Will pretended to be tired and exhausted by the day's events. Piper seemed to notice. 

"Have you been sleeping? Maybe you should go home?" 

"I'm fine. Just a little stressed and tired." Piper looked around the office. They both knew that nothing was going to be accomplished tonight. 

"Go home. Now. Trust me when I say nothing interesting is happening."


"GO!" Will grabbed his keys and wallet and headed out the door. Anxiety ate away at him as he drove home. He passed the McDonalds, the place that started this mess. 

A voice inside him hoped that Nico had gotten what he deserved and went to jail, but a bigger part of him was hoping Nico was safe.  Will parked the car along the curb and headed to his apartment. Will took the stairs slowly, fatigue starting to set in. He hadn't had a good night's sleep since Nico had knocked him out.

Will reached to unlock the door and froze when the door creaked open. It had already been unlocked. Will rested a hand on his gun and crept into his apartment. He kicked the door shut with his foot.   

Will approached the kitchen, where a light had been turned on. He rounded the corner with his gun aimed at the person. 

Nico turned to face him with a jar of Nutella in his hands. Chocolate was smeared on his face. Will lowered the gun and released a shaky breath.

"Oh my goodness, Nico." Will set the gun on the counter trusting that Nico wouldn't reach for it. Nico watched with mild interest as Will took off his shoes and his officer belt. 

"You weren't supposed to come here," Wil hissed at him. Nico set the jar of Nutella down and started rinsing his hands off in the sink. 

"I didn't know where else to go," Nico reached for the soap, "and I knew where your apartment is, so here I am." 

"They could find you here. That might lead to some questions." Nico dried his hands and approached Will. 

"Let them wonder," he whispered. Nico grabbed the front of Will's shirt and kissed him quickly. Will pulled away, surprised, and faintly aware of the taste of chocolate on his lips. An onrush of memories hit him.  

Nico's lips, Nico's smile, all memories of Nico. Will stumbled away and pressed his back against the counter. 

"Go," he pleaded. Nico was the worst thing for him right now. Nico seemed to know, deep down, that he couldn't stay. 

"Will, I'll see you soon." Will didn't know what Nico meant by that, but he took a shaky breath and watched as Nico left the apartment. Will pulled himself together, threw out the Nutella jar, and sank into the couch. Will scrolled through TV channels and stopped at the local news, hoping it would distract him. 

Will was wrong because written on the screen in big, bold letters: Nico di Angelo, recently escaped criminal, shows up at police station. 

The air left Will's lung as he watched Piper cuff Nico and drag him into the station. Moments later, Will's phone rang. 

"Hey, Percy."

"You need to come in. Nico-" 

"I saw it. I'm coming now." Will took his time grabbing his stuff. He knew, by the end of tonight, Nico would be in jail and Will wouldn't try to stop that this time. He gave Nico his chance, but the boy didn't take it.  

The End

I posted a Solangelo short story! I'm going to take a break from publishing my one-shots, so I can focus on the new story: Aubade 

Nico never hated life, even when things went downhill, but he never loved life either. Colors didn't shine as bright, music wasn't as loud, and life wasn't that fabulous. Will Solace was still trying to find his meaning in life. Did he make colors shine brighter? Was his music loud enough to reach hearts? Did he make other people's lives fabulous?Will didn't know the answer, but Nico would say yes.

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