Prank War

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It started when the Stolls poured rainbow paint on Nico. Will, being the protective boyfriend he is, wanted revenge. He spent the next three days planning. Of course, he was going to need help.

"Say no more! I, super-sized mc-shizzle bad boy supreme, agree to help you defeat thy Stolls" Leo bowed dramatically. Will was ecstatic, "Okay, in the dead of night, you and I grab some provisions, hijack one of those chariot things, and attack the Stolls like there's no tomorrow!" (A/N if you got that reference, your awesome)

"Really? That's your plan?" Leo asked. Will nodded his head.

"No, just no. It's got to be dramatic! Jaw-dropping, eye-opening!" Leo explained to Will. Will nodded, like this made perfect sense. 

"Here's the plan. Air horns. Attach them to the Hermes cabin. When the door opens they go off." Leo grinned mischievously. 

"You go in, distract them. I'll attach the horns and then you send the Stolls back out. Got it?" Will nodded his head. He saw many flaws in this plan but didn't question the master.

-After Dinner-

"That prank you pulled on Nico today? Awesome!" Will pretended to worship the Stoll brothers.

"I know right!" Travis said. 

"Were planning on pranking Clarisse next, but don't say anything." Conner held a finger to his lips. Will gulped. These brothers had a death wish. 

"So, where do keep all your pranking supplies?" Will asked. He had figured they kept them in their cabin. 

"Glad you asked," Conner said. Travis and Conner lead Will into the forest. They walked to a curved tree, the roots hanging out of the ground. Travis pulled on a root and pulled out a big, golden box. 

"This is where the magic happens." Conner opened the box. Paint, gloves, buckets, rubber bands, air horns, shaving cream, arrows, and many other pointy objects. 

"You keep this secret or your next." Travis threatened Will.

-Back at the Hermes Cabin-

"Who installed these lights? They did an awful job." Leo was currently attaching the sensors to the lights. Leo had not seen Will walk in, having been busy collecting supplies. Leo assumed that Will walked in, mistake number one. Leo also hadn't checked to see if the cabin was empty, mistake number two. Leo being Leo, put buckets of black paint (Nico's favorite color) above the door, mistake number three.

Leo laughed evilly and hid in the bushes once his work was done. He waited for the Stolls to walk out. Hopefully, Will didn't go first, then he would be covered in black paint. Leo was questioning his plan when the door open.

Shrieks, yelling, and then the splatter of paint. Leo jumped from the bushes and yelled, "Payback!"

Standing in the doorway, dripping paint, was a very angry Annabeth Chase. 

"LEO!" She hollered. Leo ran for his life.


Will stood in the forest getting full-on pranking lesson's from the Stoll's.

"So always double-check the plan?" Will clarified. 

"Most important part!" Travis said.

"LEO!" All three of them froze. Rip Leo, they thought.

Authors Note: I feel like this was poorly written. I'll try to improve and hopefully, they'll be better. For this story, I'm planning to update it whenever I can. All characters belong to Rick Riordan.

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