Demigod Quarantine

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Spoilers for Trails of Apollo

Percy and Annabeth were spending the summer at Sally and Paul's. Quarantine had crashed their summer. 

Percy was bored. He had done everything there was to do in the house.

"I'm bored," Percy complained. 

"We know, Seaweed brain." Annabeth flipped a page of her book. 

"We should invite some people over," Percy said.

"What, no. Percy that's not what quarantine is." Annabeth told him. Percy pouted and continued complaining. 

Hours later, Percy was replaying a video game and Annabeth was reading a new book.

"Paul and I are going out to dinner," Sally said. She was wearing a nice blue sweater and jeans.

"Aren't the restaurants closed?" Annabeth asked her. 

"They have outdoor seating now. We're gonna go scope out the area." Paul said as he grabbed his wallet and keys. 

Percy was too focused on his game to notice Sally and Paul leave. Percy beat the level and then noticed that his parents were missing.

"Where did they go?" He questioned Annabeth. Annabeth told him and Percy pouted. Now he was beyond bored. "Can we please bring a few people over? Only 5 or 10" Percy pleaded. Annabeth gave in. Percy called everyone telling them to come over. 

A few hours later, everyone was here. Hazel and Frank were sitting on the couch eating popcorn. Annabeth and Piper were popping more popcorn. Leo, Jason, Percy, Nico, and Will were trying to figure out what to do.

"Bored game?" Nico suggested. 

"No. That's boring." Leo said. 

"How about a movie?" Hazel suggested. Percy and Jason grinned. "HERCULES MU-" Nico put his hand over their mouths. "Nope. Not doing that."

"Trivia?" Annabeth said as she set a big bowl of popcorn on the table. All the boys said 'no'. 

"Twister?" Percy proposed. Everyone said 'no' to that.

"Hide and seek?" Piper said. 

"I'm down," Leo said. Everyone agreed. They set boundaries, no going outside or in Sally and Paul's room. Nico ended up counting first. 38...39...40! The hunt began.

Nico found Percy first, he was hiding under the coffee table. He found Hazel next, she was in the closet. Leo was in a cabinet in the kitchen. How he fits in there is a mystery. Jason was behind a curtain. Frank was in the bathtub and Piper was under Percy's bed. Only Annabeth and Will were left. 

"Will? Annabeth? You guys win." Nico shouted. There was no reply. The pair was going to make Nico look for them. Nico checked under the kitchen table, Percy's closet, heck he even checked the oven. 

Nico turned to face the others. They were smiling wide and snickering. "What? Do you know where they are?" Nico demanded. 

A pair of arms wrapped around him from behind. Nico squeaked. "Gotcha!" Will held Nico tight. 

"Let me go!" Nico squirmed out of Will's arms. "Where's Annabeth?" Percy asked the group.

"Right here Seaweed Brain." Annabeth was sitting a the dinner table, a book in her hands. 

"Whoa," Percy breathed, "Magic." Annabeth chuckled and took a seat net to Percy on the couch.

"We could watch the Croods?" Frank suggested. The group agreed and grabbed enough blankets and pillows. Annabeth sat on the floor with Percy cuddled into her side. Hazel was sitting next to Frank and Jason was braiding Piper's hair (A/N Rip Blonde Superman😭). Nico was laying on top of Will and Will had his arm around Nico's waist. Leo was sitting on the arm of the couch, eating all the popcorn.

They watched for thirty minutes and Jason was the first one to crash. Then Hazel, Frank, Nico, Percy, Leo, Piper, Annabeth, and last to fall asleep was Will. 

-Later that Night-

"What in the-" Paul exclaimed. He came home and, unexpectedly, found eight demigods asleep in the living room. 

"I guess Percy had some friends over," Sally said. She went to the group and covered them in blankets. 

"Dear, what if they have-" Paul started. "Any friend of Percy's is a child of mine. I care for my children. Now you better be up early, we're making blue pancakes." Paul gave up trying to argue. He went to bed, knowing he would have to feed eight growing teenagers tomorrow. 

Authors Note: It's a little longer than my other one-shots. Hopefully, it was okay! Stay Safe! 😁

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