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Camera On

Recording . . .

Percy's face appeared on camera. His hair was wild and a smile was plastered on his face. Noise could be heard behind him.

"It is December 25, Christmas Day!" he said. The camera flipped to show Annabeth on the couch with a little boy in her lap. The little boy was a spitting image of Annabeth while the little girl was a replica of Percy. In the corner was a Christmas tree decorated in multi-colored lights and ornaments. 

"Say hi!" Annabeth waved at the camera and the little boy smiled. The young girl paid little attention to her dad as she tore open her presents. 

"Zoe! Say hi," Percy said. Zoe waved half-heartedly at the camera. She finished opening her present and gasped at the building set. She gave Annabeth a hug and Annabeth kissed her daughter's forehead. Zoe barreled into Percy causing the camera to shake. 

"Your turn Luke!" Annabeth handed the six-year-old boy a rectangular present. He tore into it as Annabeth stuffed the ripped wrapping paper into a trash bag. 

"It's Batman!" Luke squealed. Zoe stood next to them and helped her brother open the Batmobile. Luke got off Annabeth's lap and started playing with the toy car, making it slide across the wood floor.

"Why don't you hand mom a present," Percy suggested. Zoe handed her mom a big present and demanded her to open it. Annabeth tore at the paper to reveal a fluffy, white blanket. 

"Thank you," she said and got up from the couch. She kissed Percy on the cheek and hugged her two children. 

"The battery's gonna die," Percy mumbled to her. 

Camera Off

New Video

Camera On

Recording. . . 

"And this is what a power couple should look like," Leo's voice said off-camera. The image blurred and then focused on Annabeth and Percy swimming in the pool. They were racing back and forth occasionally dunking each other. 

"This," the image blurred again as it was moved, "is the disaster couple." The image focused on Will and Nico. 

"Put the floaties on!" Will begged as Nico pouted. Will was holding two arm floaties with frogs on them. 

"I can swim!" Nico protested but grabbed the ridiculous floaties anyway.

"Not very well," Will muttered. Nico punched Will in the arm and then pulled him into a kiss. They pulled away but stayed close and started whispering. Leo moved the camera to Frank and Hazel. The couple was sitting on the edge of the pool, holding hands, with their feet in the water. 

"This," Leo whispered and the camera zoomed in on Frank and Hazel, "this is beautiful." Fake crying could be heard off-camera. Leo moved the camera again to the lifeguard chair where Reyna was sitting with her legs folded and binoculars dangling off her neck.

"You're killing it, Reyna!" Leo shouted. Reyna looked at Leo and gave a little wave. She returned her gaze to the pool and the little kids running around. 

"Uncle Leo!" Zoe and Luke shouted. Leo focused the camera on the kids and watched as they jumped into the pool.

"That's so cool!" he shouted back at them. "I'm coming in! Hold on!"

Camera Off

New Video 

Camera On

Recording. . .

"Is this on?" Nico mumbled. The image showed Nico and Will's feet as they tried to work the camera.

"Yeah. You're good to go," Will assured. Nico moved the camera up the show the apartment. 

"Today is a special day," Nico started. He walked down the hall of the apartment and to the last bedroom. It was painted pink with toy cars and barbies on the floor. 

"We adopted little Bianca," Nico said. He turned the camera around to show Will holding a little girl in the hall. 

The girl had reddish-brown hair and bright blue eyes. Her skin was dotted with freckles and she had a missing front tooth. Will bounced the little girl on his hip. She squealed in delight and grabbed onto her dad's shirt.  

"No, Dad!" Will continued to bounce her and stopped to let her catch her breath. Will set Bianca on the floor and the little girl ran to Nico and clung to his legs. The camera shook as Nico took steps backward to gain his balance. 

"Can we walk? Walk!" Bianca shouted. Will scooped her off the floor and bent over, dangling his daughter upside down. The video paused on an image of Will and Bianca's smile. 

Camera off

New Video

Camera On

Recording. . . 

"Do it!" Leo shouted. The image was pointed at a 40-year-old Percy high in the sky, Jason holding his arms to keep him in the air. They flew over the center of the lake, Jason prepared to drop Percy when Percy said so. 

"Is he going to be okay?" Annabeth mumbled to Piper. 

"Maybe. He is part fish." A groan from Annabeth could be heard in the background.

"Dad," Zoe shouted, "Dad, this is stupid!"

"Go, Dad!" Luke said trying to shout louder than his sister. Will and Nico stood off to the side with Bianca on Will's shoulders. 

"Is Uncle Percy going to die?" Bianca asked. Will shot Nico a withering look.

"No, don't listen to your Papa." Nico rolled his eyes. Leo moved the camera to show Hazel and Frank knee-deep in the water in case something happened. They were whispering, then Hazel smiled and Frank kissed her cheek.  

The camera moved again, this time zooming in on Thalia's face. The girl was laying on the ground staring lazily at the pair in the sky. 

"Do it, Percy! We're all getting bored!" Leo shouted. Percy's reply came back faintly, "I'm deciding what trick I should do!"

"Just jump!" Thalia shouted. Percy said something then Jason let go. Percy fell water spraying up before he hit the lake surface. 

"Oh my gods, he' such a dork," Annabeth groaned while her children cheered. Percy hit the water in a perfect dive then reemerged a second later, completely dry. Jason landed on the shore next to Piper, wrapping an arm around her waist. 

"What did you think?" Percy shouted. 

"Lame!" Thalia screamed back. The camera shook as Leo laughed. 

Camera Off

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