Panic - Solangelo

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Nico was strolling around Camp Half-Blood not having a destination in mind. Will was at the infirmary working like he always did. Nico missed him. He missed him a lot. But Nico didn't want to tell Will that. He didn't want to appear needy. 

Nico was walking to the lake when it happened. A small glare from a younger camper. Then he saw a group of Aphrodite children laughing. Were they laughing at him? Nico kept his head down. He started walking faster. He stumbled on a rock, more laughter. More glares. His breathing quickened. He frantically ran to the Hades cabin. Once inside he shut the door and crumbled to the floor. He felt like he couldn't breathe. There was no air. He was drowning. 

-At the Infirmary-

Will was working on pulling a splinter out of a young camper's hand. Today had been a slow day. Nothing much happened and Will wished he could be with Nico rather than here. He had just finished removing the piece of wood when Kayla walked in.

"Will, it's Nico." Will's heart stopped. Those were three words Will never wanted to hear. He left another camper to tend to the splinter girl. 

"What happened?" he asked.

"I don't know. A few campers said they heard him screaming inside his cabin but the doors locked." Will sprinted down the hill to the Hades cabin. Please be okay Nico, he begged.

He knocked on the door of Nico's cabin, but no answer came. Will started kicking the door drawing the attention of other campers. Kayla pushed them away telling them to leave. Will finally got the door open. Nico was curled on the floor, crying, screaming, shaking, panicking. Will ran to him and dropped to his knees.

"Nico, Nico you are okay. I need you to breathe." Nico looked up and frantically grabbed at Will's clothes.

"It's in my h-head. It won't stop." Nico's breathing was all over the place. Short, long, no breathing, long, no breathing. Will gripped Nico's forearms trying to ground in. He looked Nico in the eyes. 

"Nico. Calm. I'm not leaving. You are safe. You are safe." Will instructed Nico to breathe and after a few minutes, Nico's breathing was somewhat normal. Will bundled his boyfriend against him. Nico's head rested on his chest. 

"Are you better?" Will asked and Nico nodded. Will held his boyfriend close to him and didn't let go. He held Nico past an hour. 

"Will? Don't you have work?" Nico asked. Will pulled him closer.

"I'm staying with you." Nico didn't complain. 

"I'm going to just fall asleep . . . here." Nico dozed off against Will. Will held him until he dozed off too. 

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