Safe - Solangelo

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Nico was afraid. Afraid of his powers, afraid of others' judgment, afraid of his past, afraid of everything. He was sick of it. Why couldn't he be strong? 

A fear of his that sprouted recently was the fear of not feeling safe. At breakfast he would feel in danger or while walking to the lake he would feel like he was being watched. It was a constant paranoia that he wasn't safe. It was silly, of course, since Camp Half-Blood was well protected, but Nico couldn't stop it. 

His solution? Shadow travel to Will. The first time it happened was a pure accident, but after that, it became a habit. Nico was walking to his cabin when he felt a chill run up his spine. In an instant, he was at Will's side. Will jumped when seeing his boyfriend in the infirmary.

"You okay, Nico?" he asked. Nico jumped with wide eyes and put shaky hands to his mouth.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, just, um, hi?" Will stared at his boyfriend intently and dragged him outside to the side of the infirmary. 

"What's going on?" Will asked. He held Nico's forearms and bent down to look him in the eyes.

"I, uh, just didn't feel safe," Nico mumbled. He was embarrassed, to say the least. It was mortifying to be vulnerable around Will. He didn't want to seem weak.

"You don't feel safe around. . . me?" Will asked with hurt in his eyes. Nico quickly shook his head and explained. Will upon seeing Nico's distress, let the younger boy stay in the infirmary until dinner. That was the first time Nico explained his fear to Will. The fifth time it happened was during a nightmare. Nico was thrashing in bed dreaming of a glass jar and pomegranate seeds. No one came to save him, they let him rot alone in the dark. 

"Nico? Nico, what are you doing here?" Nico rolled over and froze. An arm was wrapped around his waist. 

"Nico?" Why was he in Will's bed? Will sat up next to him.

"Why are you here?" Will asked. Nico knew he shadow traveled. He hid his red face into a pillow. Will's pillow. He felt Will rubbing his back and it calmed his nerves. 

"I had a nightmare and came to you. I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! It was a total ac-" Will planted his lips onto Nico's. The kiss was short and sweet and left Nico craving for more.

"If I make you feel safe then I will welcome you with open arms, Nico. Nothing in this world should prevent you from coming to me, okay? I love you and only you." Will held Nico tight. That day forward Nico would randomly appear at Will's side. Will would make sure he was okay and give him a hug. Nico knew he was loved and that he was safe. 

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