Royal - 4

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Prince Nico woke up in someone else's bed. The sun was shining through the window and clothes were laid out on a chair. Nico went to move but froze when feeling the arm around his waist. Last night's events came rushing back to him. He thought he would die of embarrassment. 

Nico tried to slip out of Will's hold, but the blonde moved Nico closer.

"Will," Nico whispered. "Will!" The blonde lazily opened his eyes. Nico felt the arm around him loosen. Nico slipped off the bed. 

"I am so, so sorry!" Will said. Nico straightened his clothes and looked at the prince. In the morning sunlight, he looked angelic. Nico had never seen a more beautiful human. 

"It's okay. It didn't cause me any harm." An awkward silence filled the air. 

"Thank you," Nico said. "You really helped me last night." Will smiled and Nico felt his knees go weak. Nico wasn't a fool, he knew what was happening. What he was feeling. 

"I'm glad I could be of assistance." Nico watched as Will looked at him. His eyes traced Nico's messy hair, then his forehead, down to his eyes, over his nose and cheeks, and his eyes stopped at Nico's lips. Nico was sure he was blushing now. 

"You are very beautiful, Nico," Will whispered. Nico bit his lip and Will moved his eyes away. Will came around the bed and closed the distance between him and Nico. Nico back away slightly but relaxed. Will would not hurt him. 

Slowly, Will reached out and caressed Nico's cheek. 

"You have very fine skin and a birthmark," Will's hand hovered under his ear, "that is shaped like a star." Nico gulped and forced his eyes to meet Will. Will moved closer so their chests were pressed together. His hands didn't leave Nico's face.

"Will, our fathers-"

"They won't know." Will leaned closer and their noses were almost touching. 

"You are set to marry my sister," Nico faltered. Why was he against this? With a pounding heart and shaking hands, Nico grabbed Will's face and connected their lips. 

The kiss was slow and sweet. Hesitant and fearful, but also full of unsaid love. Nico pulled away first. Will looked down at the boy, reconnected their lips, and kissed him again. 

"My father will not be happy," Nico said when they pulled away. 

"He won't know." 

"But, if he finds out then-"

"They won't. Nico, I would not act on my emotions if I knew it would cause you harm. I have a plan." Nico trusted Will. Silly as it may seem since he'd only known the boy for a few days. 

"What is your plan?" 

"We run away and start a life of our own. I know you are going to be crowned king which you don't want. I don't want to marry your sister. There is nothing left for us here." Nico would agree but this palace was his home. All his childhood memories were here. Besides, he'd be leaving his sister and he couldn't do that.  

"Will, I'd love-" Will's bedroom doors opened. Nico stiffened realizing he was still in Will's arms and that their lips were practically touching. Will, being calmer, stepped away from Nico and faced the newcomer. 

Bianca stood in the doorway in a silvery blue dress. Her eyes were wide, filling with hurt but knowing consent. 

"Bianca, it's- I'm sorry," Nico stuttered. This looked bad. Really bad. Bianca smiled sadly. 

"Nico, I've known. I know you don't like girls. I had a feeling Will didn't either." She turned her gaze to Will and more pain flooded her face.

"Princess Bianca, I'm sorry," Will said. Bianca entered the bedroom and shut the door behind her. 

"You know father and King Apollo won't agree to this." Nico looked at his feet. 

"Will, er, Prince Will thought we could run away. Start a new life." Bianca looked taken aback but her face settled into her normal, carefree smile. 

"I won't stop you." Both boy's eyes widened in surprise. Now that Bianca gave her approval, nothing was holding Nico back from leaving with Will. 

"Bianca, I can't leave you." Nico approached his sister. 

"Nico, be honest with yourself. Father treats you like, excuse my profanity, crap and your life here isn't the one you should be living." Her gaze traveled to Will. "He's a good man. Would probably make an even better husband. I want what's best for you. If you need to leave, then leave. I'll always be here if you need to come back." She kissed Nico on the cheek and after a final hug, she left the room. 

Nico thought for a moment and Will waited in since.

"I'll go," Nico said firmly. 

"Tonight, pack bags and we leave." Will kissed Nico one more time before he left. 

At his bedroom, Nico packed newly washed clothes and other necessities into a small, leather backpack. Throughout the day he experienced his lasts. Last time eating with his father and sister, last time listening to his father's lectures, last time doing chores. When Nico returned to his room after a long day he found a black statue of King Hades at his door. Bianca's wedding gift. Would it be silly to give her the gift even though she wasn't getting married? 

Nico found a piece of paper and started writing. 

Bianca, I will miss you. You were a wonderful member of our family. I won't be around to continue the di Angelo legacy, so I've brought the burden down to you. You're welcome. Will you do me one last favor? Show father this note:

Father, I'm not you're petty son anymore. Since this is most likely the last time I'll speak to you, I found the courage to say this: I f***ing hate you. Hope to never see you again. 

Nico sealed the envelope. He walked to Bianca's door and set down the note and the statue. 

"I love you," he whispered to the door. Nico grabbed his bag from his room and silently walked down the halls. 

Will was waiting by the garden just as they planned. The air was frigid outside and Nico could see his breath in the air. 

"You ready to go?" Will asked. Nico took a deep breath and nodded. They walked into the forest and Nico risked a single glance at the castle behind him. His steps faltered when he saw a figure in the window. Under closer inspection, he realized it was Percy. Nico watched as the boy fogged up the window and wrote a single message.

I'll miss you, bud

Nico waved while trying to ignore the pain in his heart. Will and Nico moved deeper into the woods. Nico was relieved when they reached the small village. He could truly start a new life. Will turned and swept Nico into his arms. 

"You ready for the future?"

"Absolutely." Nico kissed Will. That was the moment that their future together started. 

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