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Nico was not used to celebrating holidays. Between trying not to die and attempting to live Nico never found the time. This year was different. With Gaea gone and Camp Half-Blood temporarily safe, Nico was able to celebrate Valentine's Day. To add to his excitement, he had a valentine and a boyfriend he could spend it with. 

Will didn't like Valentine's Days. He felt it was a holiday that was only present to make money off of people. Will believed Valentine's Day was a scam. He would rather leave Nico notes in the morning (which he did) and pick him flowers every Saturday (he did that too) instead of showing Nico his love on one specific day. Will wanted Nico to know he was loved all day, every day. So Will didn't do anything special for Valentine's Day. 

Nico tried to hide his disappointment. He blocked out Annabeth and Percy while they ate chocolate together. He tried to ignore Piper and Jason spending every minute together. Even Leo was getting kisses on the cheek. But Nico was alone at the breakfast table because Will was working. 

"You okay?" Nico glanced at Percy. 

"Fine," he mumbled and returned to his heart-shaped pancake. Percy frowned and looked around at the tables.

"Where's Will?" 

"Working." Nico didn't have the energy to put venom into his words. Percy's frown deepened. 

"Your joking," he said. He sat next to Nico and rested his arms on the table. "He's seriously working?" Nico pushed his pancake away. He'd lost his appetite. 

"Yes. He didn't even try to get the day off." Percy rubbed a hand on his neck and worry filled his eyes. Annabeth joined them a few minutes later. She sat on Nico's other side and silently offered him a piece of chocolate. Nico took it and ate in silence. 

He suddenly felt bad. Percy and Annabeth should be spending the day together. They shouldn't be comforting Nico during his pity party.

"You guys go have fun." He forced a smile. "I'll be okay." He said to Percy. 

"Promise?" Percy asked. Nico nodded but didn't voice his promise. The couple left after a few hesitant seconds. 

Nico finished his breakfast and decided to go to the infirmary. If Will wasn't coming to him then he would go to Will. 

Nico found the infirmary empty. Will was the only one inside and he stood off to the side organizing shelves. Nico walked up to him and watched him for a second. Nothing seemed different. Could he have forgotten it was Valentine's Day?

"Hey," Nico whispered. Will jumped and dropped a roll of bandages. He quickly put the roll in the cabinet and turned to face Nico.

"Hey." Will leaned against the counter and crossed his arms over his chest. Nico bit his lip and looked around the room. It was empty of people. Why would Will need to be here?

"You, um, seem busy," Nico said. Will ran a hand through his hair.

"Someone's gotta clean." The awkward tension between the two was suffocating. Nico shifted on his feet. 

"It's Valentine's Day," he blurted and quickly looked at his feet. Will opened his mouth, closed it, and walked closer to Nico. Will stayed an arm's length away. 

"I know. I'm sorry if you wanted to do something. I'm just no into all," Will waved a hand around the room at the pink and red decorations, "this." 

"No, no. It's fine. I've never celebrated it away. I'm not missing anything," Nico said. Guilt buried itself in Will's stomach. He reached for Nico then thought better of it and pulled his hand away. Their relationship was still new and uncertain. They were still figuring each other out. 

"We can celebrate tonight?" Will offered in question. Nico bit his lip harder and stopped when he tasted blood. 

"You okay?" Will asked when Nico wiped the blood away with his tongue. 

"Tonight sounds good," Nico said and ignored Will's concern. He turned to walk away but was pulled back by Will's hand on his arm. 

"I'm sorry," Will whispered. Nico forced a smile and pulled his arm away from Will. He left the infirmary feeling worse and spent the day curled in his cabin eating the chocolate Annabeth and Percy left him. 

Around five o'clock Nico's door opened and Will walked in. He was still dressed in jeans and a     t-shirt. Nico was on the bed in all black pajamas. 

"You wanna head to dinner?" Will asked. The blonde boy glanced at the empty box of chocolates and frowned. "Who-"

"Annabeth and Percy. You go to dinner without me. I'm not hungry anyway." Will turned his frown on Nico.

"You need to-"

"Eat, I know." Nico rubbed a hand across his face. His stomach was not happy from all the chocolate. Will sat on the bed next to Nico and kept a respectful distance between them. 

"I can bring back something and we can watch a movie." Nico glanced sideways at Will.

"Sure." Will opened his mouth as if to say something he shook his head and left the cabin.

Minutes later he returned with two steaming hot plates of food. Nico did a double-take at the cut on Will's cheek. He was on his feet in an instant taking the plates from Will's hands and setting them on the dresser. Nico's fingers hovered over Will's face. 

"What?" Nico's eyes ran across Will's face looking for other injuries. "What happened? Why is there a cut on your cheek?" 

"Annabeth wasn't happy with me," Will mumbled. Nico and Will locked eyes. After a few seconds, Nico rested his hands on Will's cheek, careful to avoid the cut. 

"Does it hurt?" he asked. Will shrugged and grabbed Nico's hands. The two stood in silence with Will holding Nico's hands between them. Finally, Will dropped Nico's hands and held his arms out. 

"Can I have a hug?" Nico walked into Wills's arms and rested his face on Will's chest. Will placed his chin on Nico's head. They swayed as they hugged. 

"I'm sorry if I made you feel invaluable. I'm not used to celebrating Valentines Day," Will said. Nico didn't respond. He hugged Will tighter convaing his message that Will was forgiven.

"We can spend the day together tomorrow. A picnic and a field trip. That good?" 

"Sounds perfect," Nico whispered. 


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