Internet Friends (Solangelo)

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Have you ever had someone so close to you it physically hurt when you were apart? Whether it's family or friends or maybe a lover. Maybe you found that person at a young age or you met them yesterday. Whoever it may be, keep that person close. They can leave you at any moment. And that's where the story begins. 

I had moved out of my parent's house over the summer and bought a small apartment close to my college. Having no friends, I spent most of my time reading. I would fall deep into the fantasy worlds and when it was time to leave I would plead to stay. Just one extra second in the world of wonder. This was also the reason for my tardies and absences. I would skip a class to read or stay up late flipping through the pages. Every day was normal until he showed up. 

I was unlocking my apartment, ready to relax on the couch when a dog barreled into me. I had slammed my face against the door resulting in a bloody nose. The dog continued down the hallway. 

"I am so sorry! Oh gods, your bleeding." I glared at the stranger, tempted to file a restraining order. My first thought of Will was, he looks like an over-energized lamp, and turns out I was right. 

"Let me help you." I declined the offer and slammed the door in his face. Once all the blood was cleaned I had read a book until late into the night. 

"Have you ever considered having a friend?" Unluckily, Will had appeared outside my door on my way to class. 

"No," I said. Will followed me to school, talking about what he was studying and why his favorite color was brown. Not an ugly brown. A chocolate brown. A warm, silky, mesmerizing brown. Like the color of my eyes. After class, I headed back to my apartment, planning on skipping my next class. 

I laid on the bed thinking of what Will had said, "Have you ever considered having a friend?" I had had friends. I had been friends with a boy named Percy, but he moved away in fourth grade. In seventh, I had befriended a girl named Reyna and her friend Thalia, but they became distant after they started sports. My stepsister, Hazel, had moved states away to be with her boyfriend. We talked occasionally and I was invited to their wedding next summer. As of right now, I was content with alone. 

Someone knocked at the door. I groaned and rolled off the couch.

"What do you ne-" A note fell to the floor. Yellow suns dotted the paper and a number was written at the bottom. I closed the door while typing the number into my phone. 


A response came back immediately. 

you answered!

Uh, yeah, I did

Why did you leave the number at the door?

I leave my number at people's doors. 

Oh, uh, cool?

So, what's your favorite color?

Uh, blue. A light sky blue.

No response came. I set down my phone and picked up a book. Maybe this person was bored? They didn't know me and if they did they wouldn't like me. I thought all night about the strange messenger. Was it someone I knew? A mop of blonde hair crept into my brain but I forced it out. I didn't need friends and if Will was trying to force me to be his friend over text, then it wouldn't work. 

The next day I didn't see Will or the day after that. The mysterious messenger (possibly Will) didn't text, which left unwanted disappointment in my stomach. Then a day before Thanksgiving Break, a text appeared on my phone. 

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