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Long, lonely days with Will at the infirmary and Nico alone in his cabin were very frequent. Will felt extremely bad, but he had a job to do. He had to take care of the campers, but he found it hard to do that and care for his boyfriend. He would catch glimpses of Nico walking around or sitting at the door of the infirmary, but he never came in. It was heartbreaking to see the lonely boy around camp. He never smiled, his heart ached, and he spent the nights crying alone in his bed. He missed Will. After a week other campers started to notice. Percy and Annabeth approached Will about it. 

"He's sad, Will. Just spend the day with him," Percy reasoned. The blonde boy was barely paying attention. He was focused on organizing a cupboard while shouting orders to a few trainees. 

"Maybe, it's been really busy lately- MARTHA, YOU SEDATE THEM BEFORE NOT AFTER- and people keep coming in hurt," Will rambled frantically. Annabeth gave Percy a worried glance. Will was clearly stressed.

"When was the last time you slept?" Annabeth asked softly. With a sigh, Will set down a roll of bandages and faced the two demigods.

"I don't know. I take naps here and there." 

"You need sleep and Nico needs you. He hasn't been eating," Percy said. Will grew worried. 

"He hasn't? I didn't notice." Will ran a hand through his hair. He was so tired and drained. He did truly feel bad about abandoning Nico, but he had to work. There was so much to do. Organize, sanitize, files, surgeries, small injuries, spear wounds, splinters, patients in comas, and that one girl who choked on a Cheeto. 

"How about this? We take over for the rest of the day. That gives you four hours and the night with Nico. Make sure to sleep," Annabeth said. Will hesitantly nodded after a few seconds. Sleep did sound good and he hasn't seen Nico in a while. 

"Okay, but the bandages need to go here and that girl over their needs help sed-" Percy rested a hand on Will's shoulder.

"We'll be okay. Go to your boyfriend." Will slowly walked out of the infirmary. With one last glance, he left to find his boyfriend.

Nico was hard to find. Will looked everywhere and started thinking of going back to the infirmary, but then he spotted Nico. The boy was huddled high in the branches of a tree. His head rested on a pillow and his breaths were slow and even. He was asleep. Will climbed up slowly and sat on the branch at Nico's feet. How Nico didn't fall off was a miracle and a question that will never be answered. 

"Nico? Baby, wake up. We're going to hang out," Will whispered and grabbed Nico's ankle. At the touch, the boy shot up and grasped the branch above him for balance. He was breathing rapidly and his eyes went wild until they found Will.

"You. . . freaking. . . scared me!" Nico panted. 

"Well, you shouldn't be sleeping in a tree! You could get hurt!" Will protested. What if Nico had fallen out? Nico grabbed his pillow and started climbing down the tree.

"Since when do you care about my safety?" he called up to Will. The remark hurt, but Will knew he deserved it. He hasn't really been . . . there. Will followed his boyfriend down until they stood on the ground facing each other, their toes touching. Will bent down to kiss Nico, but Nico moved his head and Will's lips landed on his cheek. Will pulled away. 

"I'm sorry, okay. It was wrong of me to stay away for so long, but I had to-"

"Work. I know. You're always working. Do you know what yesterday was?" Nico asked. Will thought but came up blank. He had worked all day yesterday. Nico stepped away from Will and pulled the pillow close to his chest. 

"Our anniversary. One year, isn't that crazy?" Nico's voice held so much sadness Will thought he was going to cry. He didn't know what to say. How had he forgotten the day he asked Nico to be his boyfriend?

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