Midnight Run

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"Will!" I turn toward the urgent whisper with a groan.

"Will! We have a problem!" I slowly open my eyes and see Nico's outline in the dark. He is facing me propped up on his elbow.

"What? Turn on the light." Nico shuffled and then the lamp turned on. I closed my eyes and then slowly opened them against the bright light. Nico's hair is messy from sleep and his face hold worry.

"What?" I asked a little more awake. Nico crawled toward me and laid on top of me. He rested his head on my chest and looked into my eyes. My hands went up to his back, tracing little circles.

"I'm hungry," Nico grumbled. I looked at the clock by the lamp. 3:36 in the morning. I rubbed my eyes and then placed my hands on Nico's neck.

"Really? It can't wait?" I asked him. He shook his head and climbed off me. I watched him put shoes on not caring to change out of his pj's. 

"Please, I'm really hungry," he begged. I groaned while rolling out of bed. I put a shirt on and shoes. I grabbed my keys and followed Nico out of the house. It was still dark out and I shivered in the cold air. Once in the car, I turned the heater on.

Nico held my hand as I drove.

"Where to?" I asked. He thought for a moment. 

"I want gummy bears." Okay, Seven Eleven it is. I pulled into the parking lot of the sketchy looking building and when we got out I locked the car. Just in case. Nico waltzed inside wearing his black kitten Pj's. The guy at the counter didn't glance at us. This must be a normal occurrence.

I followed Nico down the aisle. He bent over to inspect the gummy bears.

"Worms or bears? Oh, they also have octopuses." Nico looked up at me.

"You pick. I'm not eating any." Nico grabbed the bears off the shelf. I paid for them and then we were on our way home. Nico was happily munching on his gummy bears in the passenger seat. By the time we got home, the candy was gone. 

Nico and I took off our shoes and laid back in bed. Nico snuggled into my side and I wrapped an arm around him. 

"Thank you," he whispered. I kissed him on the forehead. My eyes started drifting shut and I fell asleep. 

It's short, I know. I've hit major writer's block. My brain died. I can not think of a single thing to write. I don't even have the motivation to read. What is happening? 

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