Video Game (Cleo)

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Leo Valdez was a master of video games. When the game Among Us got popular, he was one of the first ones to master the game. 

Unlike Leo, Calypso was stuck on an island for many years, so she didn't even know what a video game was. Leo dedicated his whole day to teach his girlfriend how to play Among Us. 

"Am I holding it right?" Calypso had the tiny (Nonmonster attracted) cell phone in her hands.

"Yeah. Whatever feels comfortable," Leo told her. They were sitting in bean bags in the Hephaestus cabin, finally getting some peace and quiet. 

Leo started the Among Us game. Calypso furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"What do I do?" She watched as the tiny people ran around the screen.

"In the corner you have tasks. You have to complete those without getting killed." Calypso watched Leo's little orange man run around the screen. The name McShizzle appeared above his character. 

Calypso moved her character around the screen. She kept getting stuck on walls and had a hard time finding the tasks. 'Dead body reported' appeared on the screen. 

"What's that mean?" Calypso looked at Leo who was pouting.

"What's wrong?" she asked him.

"Blue killed me. Report him." Calypso had no clue what he was talking about. 

"What?" She looked at the game. The chat was blowing up. 

Green sus

green is being quite

green is acting strangely. Keeps running around

"Why are they talking about me?" Calypso asked Leo. He looked over her shoulder.

"They think you killed me." 

"But I didn't!"

"I know that sunshine." Calypso scowled at the nickname. Leo made grabby hands and Calypso handed him the phone. She watched as he tried to defend her. 

It's not me I swear


vote green

Leo watched sadly as green was ejected into space. Calypso didn't really care.

"Well, that was interesting." Calypso went to stand but Leo pulled her back down. 

"No, nope! We're playing again." Leo gave Calypso back her phone and grabbed his own.

"Leo, I don't re-" Leo put a finger to her lips.

"No one ejects my girlfriend into space." Calypso sighed but joined Leo in the games. They ended up playing for two more hours. 


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