Sunshine (Solangelo)

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Nico crouched next to Will, crying. Nico rested Will's head on his lap and brushed his blond hair away from his face.

"Will? Come one, it's okay," Nico pleaded. He wiped away his tears but they kept coming. Nico examined Will's wound. A hellhound claw stuck from his stomach and blood pooled on the ground.

"Sing," Will gasped. His eyes fluttered shut and then opened again.

"You are my sunshine," Nico's voice was wobbly as he cried while singing.

"My only sunshine." Nico caressed Will's face with his thumb.

"You make me happy when skies are-"

"Gay," Will continued. Nico laughed and pressed his forehead to Will's.

"You'll never know dear how much I love you." Thanatos appeared, ready to take Will. 

"Please don't my sunshine away," Nico pleaded. Will reached for Nico's hand. 

"It's okay," Will whispered. 

"No, no, no, stay with me!" Nico's hands shook. He wanted to do something, anything. He held onto Will's life force, his soul. He wasn't allowing death to take Will. Will gasped as pain struck his stomach. Nico faced down Thanatos. He fought over Will's soul. 

A pair of hands wrapped around Nico and pulled him away from Will.

"No, NO! I can save him. I-I can help," Nico cried. He struggled against Percy. Annabeth blocked his view of Will and wrapped Nico and Percy in a hug.

"Nico, let him go. You can't keep him here. He'll be in pain," she said. Nico knew she was right so why did it hurt? Nico clung to his friends.

"I-I don't want him to go." But Will was already dead. And Nico joined him two days later. 

More sadness. Unedited. 

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