I Promise I Wasn't Trying To Steal Your Car - Percabeth

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The sound of a car alarm woke Annabeth from her sleep. She groggily walked across her room to her apartment window facing the street. She peeked through the blinds and her heart dropped to her stomach. Her car lights were flashing and a stranger was standing next to her car, one hand on the door handle. Someone was stealing her car. 

Annabeth pulled a hoodie on and rushed outside her apartment, grabbing her keys on the way. The cold air chilled her bare feet and she was thankful for her warm pajamas. Annabeth pressed the alarm button on her keys and with the absence of the alarm, it was oddly quiet. The stranger was still next to her car.

"Hey!" she shouted successfully gaining the attention of the young man. He took a step away from her car, panic was written on his face. 

"I wasn't trying to steal it!" he yelled as Annabeth marched closer. She got a good look at his face in case she needed to tell the police. Green eyes, black hair, about six feet tall. 

"Why are you stealing my car?" Annabeth hissed. She was surprised when he answered, not expecting him to tell her why. 

"It was dark and I was going to work. I honestly thought this was my car. I wasn't stealing it, I promise." Annabeth looked him over. He didn't seem like the stealing type and if he wanted to steal her car, there were better ways to do it. 

"Okay, I believe you." The stranger visibly relaxed. He extended a hand to Annabeth. 

"Percy." Annabeth shook his hand.

"Annabeth." Percy shook out his hair and looked around the street. Looking for his car, Annabeth guessed. 

"Do you need help?" she offered. Percy glanced at her in surprise then waved away her offer. 

"I think I've got it. I gotta go or I'm going to be late. Sorry, again, for accidentally trying to steal your car." 

"Don't worry about it," Annabeth said. She watched Percy walk down the street and turn the corner out of sight. Annabeth locked her car and was ready to head inside when she noticed a sticky note placed on the windshield. 

Sorry for accidentally stealing your car. I wasn't trying to cause harm. Can I make it up to the random stranger who owns this car? Here's my number - xxx xxx xxxx. 

 Annabeth stared at the phone number then typed it into her phone. 

Hey, is this Percy?

Yep! Saw the note?

Obviously. Does coffee work tomorrow around eleven? At the coffee shop across from Benett Park?

 Perfect. I'll be there!

Annabeth tucked the sticky note into her pocket as she walked inside her apartment. She had a date. 

Percy Jackson/Solangelo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now