Speeding Ticket

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Percy and Jason were heading to Camp Jupiter to visit Hazel and Frank. Leo, Piper, Nico, and Annabeth were already there, but Jason and Percy had business to do at camp. They had left a day after the others.

Percy was currently speeding down the highway. 

"Percy, slow down!" Jason clutched the dashboard of the car.

"No! Were going to get there in a record time!" Percy said. They drove a few more minutes before sirens could be heard behind them.

"Come on! Stupid cop ruined our record time." Percy pulled over and pouted. The cop came to the car, while Percy rolled down the window.

"I'm sure you were aware that you were speeding. What are your names?" The cop said. Jason was about to speak when Percy said, "Don't tell him, Jason" 

The policeman wrote 'Jason' on his notepad. 

"Shit." Percy banged his head on the steering wheel. Jason snorted, "Good job, Percy!" The cop gave a slight smile and wrote 'Percy' on his clipboard. 

"Aughh." Jason made inaudible noises.

"Here's your ticket." The cop handed Percy a ticket. Percy grumbled a thank you and sassily rolled up the window.

The pair sat in silence for a minute.

"I bet we can still make a record time in you go faster." Jason suggested. And that's the story of how Percy got three speeding tickets and made the record time for the slowest trip to Camp Jupiter.

Authors Note: I find most of my ideas on Pinterest! If anyone has suggestions, I will gladly take them.

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