Hit - Solangelo

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Nico POV

It happened quickly. I was walking down the streets of New York. A busy city. Lot's of cars. Lot's of people. 

"We can go get ice cream first," Will said while swinging our hands. 

"Sure," I said. I was in the mood for something sweet. Maybe strawberry. I stayed close to Will to avoid bumping into strangers. I walked a little ways ahead with his hand still in mine. When coming to the street I looked both ways. Left and right. I walked into the street. 

There was a loud honk. I looked left to find a speeding car headed my way. I froze. Will's hand yanked me back. I flew backward into Will and we fell to the concrete. He wrapped his arms around me and brought us into a sitting position. I was almost hit by a car. 

"Hey, hey, breathe. Nico, in and out, in and out." I focused on Will's chest behind my back. Will's arms squeezed me a little tighter. The strangers on the sidewalk ignored us or gave us strange glances.  

"Nico, you're alright. You're safe." Will held me close until I stopped shaking. I wasn't crying. I was too shocked to shed tears.  

"Nico. Baby. You're okay," Will pleaded like he was trying to convince himself. I let Will help me to my feet.

"Why don't I give you a piggyback ride?" Will offered and I nodded. I jumped onto Will's back and wrapped my legs around his waist. I rested my head on his shoulder. Will carried me around New York all day. He didn't complain once. 

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