Here We Go Again

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So . . . fanfic? Oh gosh, I've got such bad writer's block. I can scroll through Pinterest for hours looking for ideas and still come up empty. So, I'm here to propose this. 

I want to write a Percy Jackson story (it will include solangelo, of course) really badly. I've got some ideas and thoughts running through my head. As a result, we are going to do the comment pick thingy again. Whichever has the most comments is the chosen story.

1) Phase One

The world fell apart the day the apocalypse started. Phase one began, bringing the zombies and monsters with it. The world isn't safe. How do you survive in a world that isn't meant for the living? Simple. You find the people who are already dead. The ones who have no consciousness left and kill without mercy. You find the Butchers.********************Annabeth Chase had been surviving on her own, but it won't last long. When she's kidnapped by an anonymous group of people, she feels obligated to trust them. Especially the boy with sea-green eyes.

2) Neighbors

High school is difficult. High school requires dedication and focus. Annabeth Chase and her friends move into their own house hoping to get peace while completing their last year of high school. Unluckily, their neighbors happen to be the rowdiest boys in the neighborhood. Five couples, four dropouts, three rivalries, two houses, one street. High school just got a lot more difficult. 

3) Fitting In

Percy Jackson is the new boy at Goode Highschool. Everything seems to be going perfectly, but there is one problem. Where does he belong? With the jocks, the loners, the floaters, the good-ats, the popular kids, the normals kids, or the druggies. Maybe he wasn't meant to have a group. When a talent show comes to his new school, Percy believes that he can prove himself and find out where he belongs. But fate has different plans and those plans include a group of teens trying to form a band. Maybe Percy has found his group.

4) I'm Famous

Everyone watches TV. Everyone has a favorite show or actor. That's why, when Annabeth Chase is offered an acting job, she can't resist. Little did she know, the other actors seem to be professionals. She's nothing compared to them. The most famous actors in the country are working with her. She has to step up her game. Lights, camera, action, roll the tape. 

5) Work With Me Here

A tutoring group? Ten kids who can't read or sit still try to form a tutoring group. The outcome is not what they expected. They didn't mean to cause a protest. They only wanted to know what the square root of nine was. 

6) Highschool AU (To be named)

A regular year at Goode High filled with drama, tears, heartbreak, and happiness. 

Let me know what you think!

Percy Jackson/Solangelo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now