Help Me

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Nico was breaking. He was shattering, wearing thin. Cracking. Breaking. Tired.

That's how Will found Nico on the moring of Bianca's death. Nico wasn't crying, but staring at a wall like he'd never seen one before. He was sitting in the middle of the floor, his hands resting in his lap. 


"She left me and I can't even be mad at her," Nico muttered. Will took a set next to Nico leaving a few inches between them. 

"It's not your fault," Will grabbed Nico's limp hand, "It never was and never will be."

"It wasn't my fault," Nico agreed. He kept his hand limply in Will's. "It wasn't Percy's or Bianca's or the Fates." Nico finally squeezed Will's hand in an attempt to stop his tears. His eyes glossed over but no tears fell. 

"It just really sucks," Nico laughed wetly, "I can't see her again. I have this stupid ability to see the dead and I can't see her." Nico bent over and rested his forehead against the floor. Tears fell from his eyes leaving darkened spots on the wood. Will rested one hand on Nico's back as the boy's shoulders shook. 

"I want to talk to her but I can't and it makes me feel so helpless!" Will rubbed his thumb over Nico's knuckles. 

"Remember her, Nico. She's with you there," Will whispered. Nico picked his head up and continued to sob into Will's shoulder. 

"I hate her," he screamed over and over. Nico didn't mean it. He missed her. He missed his older sister. He missed her smiles and her hugs. Her laughs and her cries. He missed how she let him attempt to braid her hair or when she taught him how to plant flowers. When she would play games with him and take walks with him. He missed when she was here, alive, sitting next to him ready to offer a smile. 

"I miss her," he cried over and over. Will's hand ran through Nico's black hair, the other still holding their hands together. Nico cried himself sick and Will was there to hold his hair back. 

Nico still cried. 

"Nico, you have to stop," Will soothed. He saw that Nico was in a panic, crying and not being able to stop. Will held Nico and sat on the bed. 

"Breathe." Will took an exaggerated breath. Nico didn't notice. Will rested his hands on Nico's neck and he felt the boy's erratic pule on his thumbs. 

"Breathe, Nico." Will shook Nico, bringing the boy back to reality. Nico's eyes focused slightly and his breathing slowed to match Will's. 

"Breathe," Will repeated. Nico inhaled then exhaled several times. His eyelids dropped as he slumped forward. He fell asleep against Will and in the morning he was still broken. 

I was listening to sad songs and . . . uh. . . yeah. 


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