Zoom Class

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Zoom with Will and Nico was always interesting. Will, who was studying to be a doctor, had in-person afternoon classes. Nico had zoom classes in the morning, which he was not pleased with. 

Will was enjoying his lazy mornings taking his time to wake up and make coffee. He always found Nico at the kitchen table, head slumped into his hand, listening to a teacher drone on about nonsense. Will tried to stay out of Nico's way, letting his boyfriend focus, but their apartment was small. Nico couldn't find the right angle to keep Will out of his camera, so every morning when Will went into the kitchen, he passed through Nico's camera. 

It wasn't a problem during the cold months, but as summer approached, Will started sleeping shirtless. He often forgot to put on a shirt before walking out of the room. 

"Morning, Nico." Will lazily kissed Nico's head when seeing he wasn't in class yet. Nico melted into Will's body heat and all too soon Will pulled away. Will went into the kitchen to make a bagel and grab a coffee. The familiar chime of Nico being let into class sounded. Will continued to make breakfast then froze, realizing he wasn't wearing a shirt. 

Will quickly made food and a coffee, then shuffled across the floor and hurried past Nico's camera. He heard Nico squeak in surprise when seeing a shirtless Will run in the background. 

"Nico?" Will heard Nico's science professor ask. Nico glared at Will and then turned his attention to his computer screen.


"Was that your roommate?" 

"Uh, yeah, yes." 

"Please tell him to put appropriate clothing on or not to hang out in the background."

"Yes, sir." Nico's face was burning and Will gave him an apologetic smile. 

The next time it happened, Nico's history teacher was more understanding. Will sleepy walked out of the bedroom, unaware that Nico was in class with his camera on. Will appeared in the background of Nico's camera and Nico didn't notice until Will was next to him kissing his head in 'good morning'. 

"Will," Nico hissed. Nico saw some of his classmates' smile.

"Mr. Di Angelo?" Mrs. May's voice said through the computer. Will's eyes widen as he realized what had happened. He quickly walked out of the view of the camera. 

"Sorry," Nico apologized. Mrs. May smiled in understanding.

"Is that your boyfriend?" Nico nodded. Will stood off to the side listening to the conversation. 

"Tell him to save the morning kisses for after class, okay?" Mrs. May chuckled as she spoke. 

"Yes, sorry," Nico apologized. After class, Will made sure to give Nico his kisses and then apologized several times after. 

This book has gotten so much more love than I thought it would! Thank you to all the people who gave it a chance!

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