Ghost (Solangelo)

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Nico was the one running. From his boyfriend, from his friends, from his problems. He's been sprinting a marathon since he was little. 

"Look, I don't want to fight you," Will said. He was frustrated and tired and sick of his boyfriend being difficult. Nico refused to eat. No apples, no breakfast, no dinner, nothing. 

"You don't care about me," Nico would always say which increased Will's frustration.

"That's not true." Nico would become moody and refuse to talk. Will would try to help Nico and Nico would scream at him. It hurt, a lot. 

"Apologize? I'm trying to help you," Will told him. Nico would complain about their relationship. You yell too much, Will. I never get my space. Why don't you just break up with me?

"It was easy till you started being a pain in the ass now I don't know how to deal with you. I'm leaving." And Nico would be gone for weeks. No notes, no Iris messages, no notice. Will started calling him a ghost. He wouldn't answer any form of communication and when Nico came back things returned to normal. Yelling, fighting, threats, hurtful words. 

"Don't' helicopter me! Or spy on me, just leave!" Nico told Will. After that Will gave Nico his space. He didn't visit the Hades cabin and didn't pester Nico. It hurt. Will became lifeless. 

"I'm a ghost," Will whispered. He watched Nico from afar. The boy never smiled or ate. He never talked and always left camp. One day he came up to Will, tears shining in his eyes. 

"I know you hate me, but please, I'm sorry," he said. Will glared, he wasn't going to suffer anymore.

"Why don't you just leave me alone? I think this relationship lasted way too long." Will left Nico crying. He was a ghost. Nico hurt him and they hurt each other. They needed a break. 

It wasn't until four months later that Will and Nico talked to each other. Will arrived at the Hades cabin late into the night. He had heard a commotion outside and was sent to check on the other campers. Nico answered the door and Will gasped

"Nico! What happened?" Will asked. Nico's knuckles were bleeding and he had a black eye and cut lip. Nico was shaking but tried to hide it. 

"Nothing." Nico shut the door in Will's face. Despite his resentment toward Hade's son, Will still cared. Deep down he had a soft spot for Nico Di Angelo. Will banged on the door but Nico didn't open it.

"Nico? Open the door." Will kept talking.

"No, stop," Nico was crying. You could hear it in his voice. 

"Please, love?" The door didn't open. Will slid down the door and pressed his forehead against it.

"I know I haven't said it in a while, but, I love you." The sobs increased on the other side and Will clenched his fists. 

"I love you, I love you, I love you," Will said. He heard a crash and then Nico's crying got louder. He was pressed against the door. 

"Open the door, baby," Will pleaded. The door remained shut and the two boys remained heartbroken. Maybe they weren't meant to be. They were souls drifting to one another, but never made it. They were two broken lovers and that's the only thing holding them together. 

That was . . . sad. Uh, sorry. 

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