I Wish

692 19 8

Sadness Ahead

Nico had been staying with his father for two weeks. Camp got stressful and Will agreed that Nico should take a break. 

It was dinner time which was always awkward and silent, but tonight Hades tried to start a conversation.

"So, Nico, you have a boyfriend?" Nico picked at his food.

"Uh, yes." Hades hummed what Nico thought was approval. Persephone looked between the two men. You could slice the awkwardness in the air with a butter knife.

"Is he ever going to visit?" Hades questioned. Nico had thought about it but the Underworld and Will didn't seem to mix. Will agreed with him.

"He doesn't like the dark," Nico said. The boy looked at Persephone as if asking 'what's with all the questions?'. The goddess shrugged slightly and returned to her dinner. Hades cleared his throat. 

"Does he know about Bianca?" Nico stiffened and slowly put his fork down.

"Yes, he does." Hades nodded not reviling whether that was a good or bad thing. The dinner was silent for a few moments until Nico asked a question. 

"Is that okay? Is it okay that I like boys?" Nico wasn't going to change if his father didn't approve, but he was curious. 

"I don't care. Gods don't worry about that stuff." Persephone glanced between Hades and Nico. Something was about to go down. 

"Of course they don't," Nico mumbled. Hades swallowed and looked at his son. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" There was no mistaking the anger in his voice. Nico pushed his plate away. He had lost his appetite. 

"God's don't seem to care about their kids." The table was deadly silent. Hades slammed his hand on the table causing the plates and cups to bounce. Persephone jumped but Nico didn't move an inch. 

"You will not speak of the gods that way," Hades growled. Nico was treading dangerous waters, but he couldn't find the will to care. 

"I can talk about them however I want." Hades stood and his chair toppled.

"Darling, why don't you-" Hades glared at Persephone cutting her off. 

"I raised you better, Nico." Nico was standing now too. He faced his father across the table. 

"You didn't raise me. You were barely even there. Not when mom died, not when Bianca died, not when I needed you!" 

"At least Bianca could finish a job!" Hades face had turned red. Nothing good was coming out of this conversation. 

"I try okay! I try so hard and you don't even notice!" Nico leaned his hands on the table. The servants by the doors glanced around the room, acting like they couldn't see or hear the spectacle unfolding in front of them.

"YOU WILL RESPECT ME!" Hades voice had increased. It shook the room. Persephone sat like a statute. 

"YOU DON'T DESERVE MY RESPECT!" Nico shouted back. Both men were breathing heavily. Hades lowered his voice and looked Nico in the eyes.

"I wish your sister was the one that lived instead of you." Nico felt like he was kicked in the ribs. 

"You don't think I wish the same?" Nico whispered trying to hold back tears. 

"Nico, no, that's not what he wanted to say," Persephone said. She reached for Nico, but the boy was already gone out the doors. He wiped tears away and found a patch of light. He Iris messaged Will. 

The image of the boy appeared. He was sitting by the lake skipping rocks over the water. He jumped when seeing Nico, then noticed the tears.

"What's wrong?" Nico shook his head and shakily exhaled. 

"Nothing. I'm coming back." Will scanned over Nico, but the boy seemed physically unhurt. 

"Okay. Do you need anything when you get back?"

"A hug," Nico laughed sadly. "A warm hug would be nice." 

"One hug coming up. Hurry and get back." Will blew kisses and Nico wiped away the message. Nico got back as soon as he could and as promised, a long, warm hug was given. 

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