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Nico was often away from camp doing work for his father. He never minded the small jobs, but this week he did. Their friends, Reyna, Hazel, Frank, and Jason, were coming from Camp Jupiter to visit. Nico was upset, but his father would not let him off the job. 

"Please," Nico begged, "This one time. One time only." Hades still said 'no'. So throughout the job, Nico pouted. When the sun went down Nico felt like crying. He was beyond exhausted and his friends would already be enjoying the campfire. Nico got home to Camp Half-Blood as soon as he could. But he was too tired. He could barely stand and the shadow traveling had drained him.

Nico stumbled into the Hades cabin unnoticed. He heard the laughter and songs from people enjoying the campfire. Nico sat on his bed and noticed a piece of paper on his pillow. He picked it up and read:

Hey Nico! You better get back quickly because I practiced my mythomagic and I'm not losing this time! - Jason

PS = I put brownies in your cupboard. Eat them! Welcome home!

Nico let out a breath of exasperation. He covered his face with his arms still holding onto the note. Nico fell asleep with a smile on his face. 

Percy Jackson/Solangelo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now